Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Status: Independent/Partly state funded
Abbreviation: VUB
Phone +32 2 629 20 10
Email info@vub.ac.be
Website http://www.vub.ac.be/en/
Address Boulevard de la Plaine 2, 1050, Brussel, Belgium,
Contact Person Eddy Van Gelder (President), Caroline Pauwels (Caroline Pauwels)
Department Department of Political Science
Bruno Coppieters Yoni Verhaegen
The politicisation and securitisation of ethnicity: The case of the Southern Caucasus
Secession and war: a moral analysis of the Russian–Chechen conflict
Conflict resolution after the 2008 Georgia–Russia War: the Taiwan and Kosovo models as tools for mobilization and comparison
Chechnya at war and beyond
Conclusions: Locating Georgian Security
Federalization of Foreign Relations: Discussing Alternatives for the Georgian-Abkhaz Conflict
Shades of Grey. Intentions, Motives and Moral Responsibility in the Georgian-Abkhaz Conflict
Georgians and Abkhazias search for a Peace Settlement
Modelling the Evolution of Djankuat Glacier, North Caucasus, from 1752 Until 2100 CE
Quantifying Supraglacial Debris-Related Melt-Altering Effects on the Djankuat Glacier, Caucasus, Russian Federation