University of Lyon
Status: consortium of higher education and research institutions
Phone +33 4 37 37 26 70
Address 92 Rue Pasteur, 69007, Lyon, France,
Contact Person Khaled Bouabdallah (President), ( )
Giulio Palumbi Catherine Marro Olivier Barge
Obsidian-tempered pottery in the Southern Caucasus: A new approach to obsidian as a ceramic-temper
The Early Bronze Age of the Southern Caucasus
Technology and Cuisine. Experimenting with Chalcolithic obsidian-tempered pottery from the Southern Caucasus
The Kura-Araxes Culture from the Caucasus to Iran, Anatolia and the Levant: Between unity and diversity. A synthesis
Between Cooking and Knapping in the Southern Caucasus: Obsidian-Tempered Ceramics from Aratashen (Armenia) and Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan)
New Data and Perspectives on the Early Stages of the Neolithic in the Middle Kura River Valley (South Caucasus). the 2017–2019 Excavations At Kiçik Tepe, Western Azerbaijan
Dietary Practices, Cultural and Social Identity in the Early Bronze Age Southern Caucasus: the Case of the Kura-Araxes Culture
On the Genesis of the Kura-Araxes Phenomenon: New Evidence from Nakhchivan (Azerbaijan)
Excavations at Ovçular Tepesi (Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan). Second Preliminary Report : The 2009-2010 Seasons
Excavations at Ovçular Tepesi (Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan). First Preliminary Report : the 2006-2008 Seasons
Pre-classical survey in eastern Turkey. First preliminary report : The Ağrı Dağ (Mount Ararat) Region
Where did Late Chalcolithic Chaff-Faced Ware originate? Cultural Dynamics in Anatolia and Transcaucasia at the Dawn of Urban Civilization (ca 4500-3500 BC)
Archaeological investigations on the salt mine of Duzdagi (Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan)
New light on the Late Prehistory of the South Caucasus Data from the recent excavation campaigns at Kültepe I in Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan (2012-2018)
Archaeometallurgical Investigations in Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan: What Does the Evidence from Late Chalcolithic Ovçular Tepesi Tell Us about the Beginning of Extractive Metallurgy?
The View from the North the Emergence and Spread of the Chaff-Faced Ware Oikumenè As Seen from the Caucasus (CA. 4600-3500 BCE)
Desert Kites and Aggregated Cells of Mt Aragats (Armenia): Spatial Coincidences?
Diffusion of Anatolian and Caucasian obsidian in the Zagros Mountains and the highlands of Iran: Elements of explanation in'least cost path'models
Hunting or pastoralism? Comments on “seasonal use of corrals and game traps (desert kites) in Armenia” by Malkinson et al
Unity and diversity of the kite phenomenon: A comparative study between Jordan, Armenia and Kazakhstan
Kites on the margins. The Aragats kites in Armenia