The University of Reading
Status: Public university
Phone +44 118 987 5123
Address Reading, United Kingdom, United Kingdom,
Contact Person John Madejski (Chancellor), David Bell (David Bell)
Department Department of Geography and Environmental Science
Maria Shahgedanova James Green
Deglaciation of the Caucasus Mountains, Russia/Georgia, in the 21st century observed with ASTER satellite imagery and aerial photography
Climate Change, Glacier Retreat, and Water Availability in the Caucasus Region
Interactions between mass balance, atmospheric circulation, and recent climate change on the Djankuat Glacier, Caucasus Mountains, Russia
Late-20th-century changes in glacier extent in the Caucasus Mountains, Russia/Georgia
Long-term change, interannual and intra-seasonal variability in climate and glacier mass balance in the Central Greater Caucasus, Russia
Recent glacier retreat in the Caucasus Mountains, Russia, and associated increase in supraglacial debris cover and supra-/proglacial lake development
State of glaciers in the Caucasus and southern Siberian mountains and their links with climate oscillations since the 1950s
Using the significant dust deposition event on the glaciers of Mt. Elbrus, Caucasus Mountains, Russia on 5 May 2009 to develop a method for dating and "provenancing" of desert dust events recorded in snow pack
High-resolution provenance of desert dust deposited on Mt. Elbrus, Caucasus in 2009–2012 using snow pit and firn core records
Climatology of dust deposition events on Garabashi glacier, Mt. Elbrus, Caucasus, developed from snow pits using remote sencing, climate models and sedimentalogical analysis
An Assessment of the Recent Past and Future Climate Change, Glacier Retreat, and Runoff in the Caucasus Region Using Dynamical and Statistical Downscaling and HBV-ETH Hydrological Model
Desert dust deposition on Mt. Elbrus, Caucasus Mountains, Russia in 2009–2012 as recorded in snow and shallow ice core: high-resolution “provenancing”, transport patterns, physical properties and soluble ionic composition
Optical, Geochemical and Mineralogical Characteristics of Light-Absorbing Impurities Deposited on Djankuat Glacier in the Caucasus Mountains
Conflict in the Caucasus: implications for international legal order
The Jus Ad Bellum and Entities Short of Statehood in the Report on the Conflict in Georgia
Climate change and glacier dynamics in the Caucasus and the mountains of Southern Siberia