Gulam Babayev

Gulam Babayev

Keywords : Geodynamics Seismology Seismics Earthquake

Country : Azerbaijan

Organization : Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Department : Institute of Geology and Geophysics

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Spectral and Informational Analysis of Seismicity: An Application to the 1996-2012 Seismicity of the Northern Caucasus-Azerbaijan Part of the Greater Caucasus-Kopet Dag Region 2013 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Temporal clustering of the seismicity of the Absheron-Prebalkhan region in the Caspian Sea area 2012 Natural hazards and earth system sciences

Evaluation of earthquake-induced strain in promoting mud eruptions: The case of Shamakhi-Gobustan-Absheron areas, Azerbaijan 2014 Natural Hazards

Site Specific Ground Motion Modeling and Seismic Response Analysis for Microzonation of Baku, Azerbaijan 2016 Acta Geophysica

Strong motion scenario of 25th November 2000 earthquake for Absheron peninsula (Azerbaijan) 2014 Natural Hazards

Scenario-based earthquake hazard and risk assessment for Baku (Azerbaijan) 2010 Natural hazards and earth system sciences

Seismic zoning of the southern slope of Greater Caucasus from the fractal parameters of the earthquakes, stress state, and GPS velocities 2013 Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth

Active Stress Field and Fault Kinematics of the Greater Caucasus 2020 Journal of Asian Earth Sciences

Stress Field Pattern in the Northeastern Part of Azerbaijan 2019 Pure and Applied Geophysics (2019)

Analysis of horizontal to vertical spectra of microseisms for Baku city 2012

Microtremor Survey and Spectral Analyses of H/V Ratio for Baku City (Azerbaijan) 2015 Proceedings of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the Sciences of Earth

Seismic Hazard Analysis for Southern Slope of the Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan) 2020 Pure and Applied Geophysics

Analysis of the relationship between water level temporal changes and seismicity in the Mingechevir reservoir (Azerbaijan) 2020 Journal of Seismology

Dynamic triggering of mud volcanos in Azerbaijan by Caspian earthquakes 2019 ANAS Transactions, Earth Sciences

Seismic B-Value Study in Southern Slope of Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan) 2019

Sedimentary Response to a Collision Orogeny Recorded in Detrital Zircon Provenance of Greater Caucasus Foreland Basin Sediments 2021 Basin Research