William Fierman
Keywords : Islam politics of Central Asia especially policies affecting language and state identities
Country : United States
Organization : Indiana University
Department :
Biography :
William Fierman
Professor, Central Eurasian Studies
Adjunct Professor, Political Science
Office: Goodbody Hall 323
Phone: (812) 855-3759
E-mail: wfierman@indiana.edu
Ph.D., Havard University, 1979
Current Doctoral Students
- Blake Puckett
Research Interests
politics of Central Asia, especially policies affecting language, Islam, and state identities.
Courses Recently Taught
- U519 - Soviet and Post-Soviet Nationality Problems
- U596 - Post-Soviet Transition in Central Asia
- U597 - Politics and Society in Central Asia
( see CEUS course bulletin for descriptions )
Publication Highlights
Language Planning and National Development: The Uzbek Experience (Mouton Press, 1991)
Edited Book:
Soviet Central Asia: The Failed Transformation (Westview Press, 1991)
Editor of Journal Special Issue
"Implementing Language Laws: Perestroika and its Legacy in Five Republics: Nationalities Papers, XXIII, No. 3 (1995), pp 505-659
Scholarly articles and book chapters:
"Perceptions of Threats from 'Alien Faiths:" An Analysis of Reactions in the Kazakh-Language Press," in Andrea Strasser et al. (eds.) Central Asia and Islam, Hamburg: Deutsches Orient-Institut (2002), pp 159-171
"Changing Urban Demography and the Prospects of Nationalism in Kazakhstan," Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism, XXVII, Nos. 1-2 (2000), 7-20
Language and Identity in Kazakhstan: Formulations in Policy Documents, 1987-1997," Communist and Post-Communist Studies, XXX, No. 2 (1998), 1771-186
"Political Development in Uzbekistan: Democratization?" in Karen Dawisha and Bruce Parrott (eds.)Conflict, Cleabage and Change in Central Asia and the Caucasus (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), pp 360-408
Current Research Projects
- language politics and problems in Kazakhstan