Matteo Vergani

Matteo Vergani

Keywords : Ethnography Data Analysis Sociology Quantitative analysis Qualitative Analysis Statistical Analysis Research Methodology Cultural Sociology

Country : Australia

Organization : Deakin University

Department :

ResearchGate profile :

Academia edu :

Biography :

I have two PhDs in the social and political sciences, one in political psychology from Monash University (2016) and the other PhD in political sociology from the Catholic University of Milan (2011).

I am a full-time postdoctoral researcher at Deakin University where I conduct both quantitative and qualitative research on political violence, conflict and intercultural relations.

I have teaching experience in the areas of research methodology (quantitative and qualitative), political sociology, political psychology, Australian politics and international relations.

I am a regular contributor on the SBS Italian radio program, providing weekly political commentary and analysis.

I have conducted research in Australia, Europe, Southeast Asia (Indonesia and Malaysia), Latin America (Brazil and Nicaragua), in Middle East (Palestine), Central Asia (Afghanistan, Uzbekistan).