Kimitaka Matsuzato
Keywords : Russia History politics Ukraine
Country : Japan
Organization : Hokkaido University
Department : The Slavic- Eurasian Research Center
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Field of Specialization
Politics and History of Russia and Ukraine
Born in 1960. Doctor of Law, Tokyo Univ.,1996. Joined SRC in 1991.
- “The Creation of the Priamur Governor-Generalship in 1884 and the Reconfiguration of Asiatic Russia,” The Russian Review, 71: 3 (2012), pp. 365-390.
- “Transnational Minorities Challenging the Interstate System: Mingrelians, Armenians, and Muslims in and around Abkhazia,” Nationalities Papers 39: 5 (2011), pp. 811-831.
- “Disintegrated Semi-presidentialism and Parliamentary Oligarchy in Post-Orange Ukraine,” Robert Elgie, Sophia Moestrup and Yu-Shan Wu, eds., Semi-presidentialism and Democracy(Palgrave/Macmillan, 2011), pp. 192-209.
- “South Ossetia and the Orthodox World: Official Churches, the Greek Old Calendarist Movement, and the So-called Alan Diocese,” Journal of Church and State 52: 2 (2010), pp. 271-297.
- (with Fumiko Sawae,) “Rebuilding a Confessional State: Islamic Ecclesiology in Turkey, Russia and China,” Religion, State and Society 38: 4 (2010), pp. 331-360.
- Inter-Orthodox Relations and Transborder Nationalities in and around Unrecognised Abkhazia and Transnistria, Religion, State and Society, 37(3):239-262
- The Five Day War and Transnational Politics: A Semiospace Spanning the Borders between Georgia, Russia and Ossetia, Demokratizatsiya: The Journal pf Post-Soviet Democratization, 17(3):228-250
- Slavic Eurasian Studies No. 20, Регионы Украины: Хроника и руководители 3 Крым и Николаевская область, 256 (SRC)
- 21st Century COE Program Slavic Eurasian Studies No. 18, Приднестровье в макрорегиональном контексте черноморского побережья, 225 (SRC)
- From Belligerent to Multi-ethnic Democracy: Domestic Politics in Unrecognized States after the Ceasefires, Eurasian Review, 1:95-119.
- Непризнанные государства: Нагорно- карабахская республика (1988-2005 гг.), Вестник Тамбовского университета, 1(45):31-41
- Muslim Leaders in Russia’s Volga-Urals: Self-Perceptions and Relationship with Regional Authorities, Europe- Asia Studies, 59(5):777-803
- 21st Century COE Program Slavic Eurasian Studies No. 13, Imperiology: From Empirical Knowledge to Discussing the Russian Empire, 276 (SRC)
- 21st Century COE Program Occasional Papers No.18, Историографический диалог вокруг непризнанных государств: Приднестровые, Нагорный Карабах, Армения, Южная Осетия Грузия116 (SRC)
- 21st Century COE Program Slavic Eurasian Studies No. 12, Ислам от Каспия до Урала: макрорегиональный подход, 197 (SRC, Sapporo, 2006)
- The Regional Context of Islam in Russia: Diversities along the Volga, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 47(4):449-461 (2006)
- Differing Dynamics of Semipresidentialism across Euro/Eurasian Borders: Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland, Moldova and Armenia, Demokratizatsiya, 14(3):317-345 (2006)
- Выборы и другие критерии выделения типов посткоммунистических режимов (PRO NUNC. Современные политические процессы, Вып. 4., 56-71, Тамбов, 2006)
- Патронное президентство и политика в сфере идентичности в непризнанной Абхазии, Acta Eurasica, 4:132-159 (2006)
- An Eternally Unfinished Parliamentary Regime? Semipresidentialism as a Prism to View Lithuanian Politics, Acta Slavica Iaponica, 23:146-170 (2006)
- 21st Century COE Program Slavic Eurasian Studies No. 7, Emerging Meso-Areas in the Former Socialist Countries: Histories Revived or Improvised?, 415 (SRC, Sapporo, 2005)
- 21st Century COE Program Slavic Eurasian Studies No. 8, Социальная трансформация и межэтнические отношения на Правобережной Украине 19 - начало 20 вв., 221 (Moscow, 2005)
- Semi-presidentialism in Ukraine: Institutionalist Centrism in Rampant Clan Politics, Demokratizatsiya, 13(1):45-58 (2005)
- Islamic Politics at the Subregional Level of Dagestan: Tariqa Brotherhoods, Ethnicities, Localism and the Spiritual Board, Europe-Asia Studies, 57(5):753-779 (2005)
- Russian Imperiology and Area Studies (Impressions on the ICCEES Berlin Congress), Ab Imperio, 3:443-445 (2005)
- 21st Century COE Program Slavic Eurasian Studies No. 1, ФЕНОМЕН ВЛАДИМИРА ПУТИНА И РОССИЙСКИЕ РЕГИОНЫ: победа неожиданная или закономерная? , 368 (SRC, Sapporo, 2004)
- A Populist Island in an Ocean of Clan Politics: The Lukashenka Regime as an Exception among CIS Countries, Europe-Asia Studies, 56(2):213-239 (2004)
- Authoritarian Transformations of the Mid-Volga National Republics: An Attempt at Macro-Regionology, Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 20(2):98-123 (2004.6)
- Regional Politics and Municipal Building: Reshuffling of Local Chief Administrators in Russia, 1990-1996 (A.B. Evans, Jr. and V. Gel'man, eds., The Politics of Local Government in Russia, 169-202, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2004)
- Генерал-губернаторства в Российской империи' от этнического к пространственному подходу (И. Герасимов и др.(ред), Новая имперская история постсоветского пространства, 427-458, Казань, 2004)
- Регионы России. Хроника и руковобители. Том 8. Республика Марий Эл, Чувашская Республика, Республика Башкортостан, 342 (SRC, Sapporo, 2003)
- Новая волна в изучении этнополитической истории Волго-Уральского региона – сборник статей, 335 (SRC, Sapporo, 2003)
- The Issue of Zemstvos in Right Bank Ukraine 1864-1906: Russian Anti-Polonism Under the Challenges of Modernization, Jahrbücher für Deschichte Osteuropas, 51 (26):218-235 (2003)
- Из комиссаров антиполонизма в просветители деревни: мировые посредники на правобережной Украине (1861-1917 гг.), Український гуманітарний огляд, 9:62-121 (2003)
- Рутистика поверх границ. Славянские исследования Японии и социальные науки России: совместные посики выхода из изоляции, Ab Imperio, 1: 421-433 (2003)
- Региони України: хроника та керівники. Том 2. "Харківська область", 134 (SRC, Саппоро, 2002)
- Пространственные факторы в формировании партийных систем: Диалог американистов и постсоветологов, 108 (SRC, Саппоро, 2002)
- Весна народов: этнополитическая история Волго-Уральского региона. Сборник документов, 206 (SRC, Саппоро, 2002)
- The Last Bastion of Unitarism? Local Institutions and Party Politics in Lithuania 1990-2001, Eurasian Geography, 43(5):383-410 (2002)
- Elite and the Party System of Zakarpattia Oblast: Relations among the Levels of Party Systems in Ukraine, Europe-Asia Studies, 54(8):1265-1299 (2002)
- Земский феномен: политологический подход, 200 (Ekaterinburg, 2001)
- Индивидуалистские коллективисты или коллективистские индивидуалисты? Новейшая историография по российским крестьянским общинам (Г. Бордюгов и др. (ред.), Новый мир истории России: Форум японских и российских исследователей, 189-201, Moscow, 2001)
- From Communist Boss Politics to Post-Communist Caciquismo: The Meso-Elite and Meso-Governments in Post-Communist Countries, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 34:175-201 (2001)
- An Island of Democracy? Local Reforms in Kyrgyzstan 1990-2000, Central Asia and the Caucasus, 4 (10):142-154 (2001)
- All Kuchma's Men: The Reshuffling of Ukrainian Governors and the Presidential Election of 1999, Post-Soviet Geography and Economics, 42 (6):416-439 (2001)
- From Ethno-Bonapartism to Centralized Caciquismo: Characteristics and Origins of the Tatarstan Political Regime, 1990-2000, Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 17 (4):43-77 (2001.12)
- Local Reforms in Ukraine 1990-1998: Elite and Institutions (Osamu Ieda, ed., The Emerging Local Governments in Eastern Europe and Russia, 25-54, Hiroshima, 2000)
- Regions: A Prism to View the Slavic-Eurasian World: Towards a Discipline of "Regionology" 311 (SRC, Sapporo, 2000)
- Регионы России: хроника и руководители/7/Республика Татарстан, Удмуртская республика, Республика Мордовия [Occasional Papers on the Elite of the Mid-Volga Ethnic Republics 3], 471 (Ekaterinburg, 2000)
- Польский фактор в Правобережной Украине. Конец XIX - начало XX в., Ab Imperio, 1:91-106 (2000)
- Електоральная география России: белый, красный, серый, и взрывной пояс (Выборы и партии в регионах России [Серия “Студия политика” 2], 170-194, Moscow-St.Petersburg, 2000)
- Регионы России: хроника и руководители/6/Нижегородская, Ульяновская область [Occasional Papers on Regional/Subregional Politics in Post-Communist Countries, No.1], 292(SRC, Sapporo)(1999)
- Взрывной пояс-96: Российские регионы и електоральное поведение [Occasional Papers on Regional/Subregional Politics in Post-Communist Countries, No.3],(SRC, Sapporo)(1999)
- Регiони Украiни: хронiка та керiвники/Том 1 “Донецька область” [Occasional Papers on Regional/Subregional Politics in Post-Communist Countries, No.4], 144(SRC, Sapporo)(1999)
- Електоральная география России: белый, красный, серый, и взрывной пояс, (Kimitaka Matsuzato, ed.: Взрывной пояс-96: Российские регионы и електоральное поведение[Occasional Papers on Regional/Subregional Politics in Post-Communist Countries, No.3], 9-35, SRC, Sapporo, 1999)
- Local Elites Under Transition: County and City Politics in Russia 1985-1996, Europe-Asia Studies, 51(8):1367-1400 (1999)
- Польский фактор в Правобережной Украине. Конец XIX-начало XX в., (Социально-демографическая история России XIX-XX, Современные методы исследования: материалы научной конференции [апрель 1998 г.], 120-139, Tambov, 1999)
- Tret'e zveno gosudarstvennogo stroitel'stva Rossii: podgotovka i realizatsii federal'nogo zakona o obshchikh printsipakh organizatsii mestnogo samoupravleniia (Occasional Papers on Changes in the Slavic-Eurasian World, No.73): 214(Sapporo, 1998)
- Regiony Rossii: khronika i rukovoditeli/5/Ryazanskaya, Vladimirskaya i Tul'skaya oblasti (Slavic Research Center Occasional Papers No.63): 276 (Sapporo, 1998)
- "Raskol KPSS i peregrupirovka eks-nomenklaturnoi elity v Cheliabinskoi, Samarskoi, Ul'ianovskoi, Tambovskoi, Tverskoi oblastiakh Rossii," A.V.Gaida i V.N.Rudenko (eds.), Federalizm i detsentralizatsiia, (Ekaterinburug, Ural’skoe otdelenie RAN): 127-188 (1998)
- "Inter-regional Conflicts and the Decline of Tsarism - the Real Reasons for the Food Crisis in Russia after the Autumn of 1916," Mary Schaeffer Conroy (ed.), Emerging Democracy in Late Imperial Russia, (University Press of Colorado): 243-300 (1998)
- "The Role of Zemstva in the Creation and Collapse of Tsarism's War Efforts During World War One," Jahrbucher fur Geschichte Osteuropas, 46 (3): 321-337 (1998)
- "Politologicheskaia regionologiia byvshikh sotsstran - dostizheniia i zadachi," Perestroika i posle: Obshchestvo i gosudarstvo v SSSR, Rossii i novykh nezavisimykh gosudarstvakh 1988-1998 - tezisy dokladov: 40-43 (1998)
- The Fate of Agronomists in Russia: Their Quantitative Dynamics from 1911 to 1916, The Russian Review, 55-2(96.4)172-200
- Poniatie "mesta" v rossiiskoi istorii: Administrativno-territorial'noe raionirovanie, Istoricheskie nauki - Vestnik Cheliabinskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo instituta, 1(96.8)18-28
- The Split and Reconfiguration of Ex-Communist Party Factions in the Russian Oblasts: Chelyabinsk, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Tambov, and Tver(1991-95), Demokratizatsiya - The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, 5-1(97.1) 53-88
- "Obshchestvennaia ssypka" i voenno-prodovol'stvennaia sistema Rossii v gody Pervoi mirovoi voiny, Krest'ianovedenie - teoriia, istoriia, sovremennost' - ezhegodnik(97.11)147-176
- Empire and Society: New Approaches to Russian History, Sapporo(97.7)218
- Regiony Rossii: khronika i rukovoditeli/1/"Krasnyi poias"(Tsentral'noe chernozem'e), Occasional Papers on Changes in the Slavic-Eurasian World 33(97.6)316
- Regiony Rossii: khronika i rukovoditeli/2/ Rostovskaia oblast', Saratovskaia oblast', Occasional Papers... 34(97.7)334
- Regiony Rossii: khronika i rukovoditeli/3/Samarskaia oblast', Iaroslavskaia oblast', Occasional Papers... 35(97.9)301
- Regiony Rossii: khronika i rukovoditeli/4/Leningradskaia oblast', Kaliningradskaia oblast', Occasional Papers... 36(97.9)236
- The Split of the CPSU and the Configuration of Ex-Communist Factions in the Russian Oblasts: Cheliabinsk, Samara, Ulユianovsk, Tambov, and Tver”(1990-95)