Thomas Hanauer
Keywords :
Agricultural Soils
Subalpine Region
Country : Germany
Organization :
Justus Liebig University Giessen
Department :
Email :
Soil Distribution and Soil Properties in the Subalpine Region of Kazbegi; Greater Caucasus; Georgia: Soil Quality Rating of Agricultural Soils 2017 Annals of Agrarian Science
Suitability of Inorganic and Organic Amendments for in Situ Immobilization of Cd, Cu, and Zn in a Strongly Contaminated Kastanozem of the Mashavera Valley, SE Georgia. I. Effect of Amendments on Metal Mobility and Microbial Activity in Soil 2012 Plant Nutrition and Soil Science
In Situ Stabilization of Metals (Cu, Cd, and Zn) in Contaminated Soils in the Region of Bolnisi, Georgia 2011 Plant and Soil
Characterization of the Plant Availability of Heavy Metals in Weakly Alkaline Soils, Heavily Polluted With Cu, Zn and Cd in SE Georgia 2008 Geophysical Research Abstracts
Soil Distribution and Soil Properties in the Subalpine Region of Kazbegi, Greater Caucasus, Georgia: Physicochemical Properties, Distribution and Genesis 2023 Geoderma Regional