Golam M Sarker

Golam M Sarker

Keywords : Geology Seismology Geophysics

Country : United States

Organization : Columbia University

Department : Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Biography :

Education Ph.D. in Seismology, University of Kansas, 1998 M.S. in Geophysics, University of New Orleans, 1992 B.Sc. in Geology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1986 Employment History Senior Staff Associate/Technical Logging Analyst: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, NY, 2004 – present Senior Staff Associate/Manager of Lamont Seismographic Network: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY, 2001-2004 System Analyst/ Oracle Database Programmer: Information Services, Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A&M University, TX, 2000-2001 Post-Doctoral Research Scientist: Earth Science Department, Lehigh University, PA, 1998-2000