Ranko Matasović

Ranko Matasović

Keywords : Philology Syntax Linguistic Typology

Country : Croatia

Organization : University of Zagreb

Department : Department of Linguistics

ResearchGate profile : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ranko_Matasovic

Biography :

1968: born in Zagreb
1986-1990: studied linguistics and philosophy at the University of Zagreb
1990-1996: assistant, Department of Linguistics, University of Zagreb
1990-1992: graduate studies of linguistics, University of Zagreb
1992: M. A. in linguistics, University of Zagreb
1993: research fellowship at the University of Vienna (mentor: prof. dr. Radoslav Katičić)
1995: research fellowship at Oxford University (mentor: prof. dr. Anna Morpurgo-Davies)
1995: Ph. D., University of Zagreb (mentor: prof. dr. Radoslav Katičić)
1996-2000: Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Zagreb
1996- Head of the Chair of Comparative Indo-European Linguistics, Zagreb
1997-1998: Fulbright Fellowship, University of Wisconsin (Madison) (mentor: prof. dr. Andrew Sihler)
1998-1999: Chair of the Department of Linguistics, University of Zagreb
2000-2004 Associate Professor of Linguistics, University of Zagreb
2002: Awardee of the Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences for a lasting contribution to philology
2002- Head of the Department of Language and Linguistics of Matica hrvatska (Matrix Croatica)
2002-2003: Humboldt fellowship, Bonn University (mentor: prof. dr. Stefan Zimmer)
2004- Full Professor of Linguistics, University of Zagreb
2006- Associate Member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
2008: Visiting scholar in the Department of Comparative Linguistics, Leiden University
2012: Full member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts

SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS: Indo-European, Celtic, Balto-Slavic, and Northwest Caucasian languages, linguistic typology
TEACHING: Ranko Matasović has taught both graduate and undergraduate courses, including: “Introduction to Indo-European”, “Indo-European Morphology”, “Introduction to Old Irish”, “Comparative Balto-Slavic”, “Language Typology”, “Reading Old Irish”, “Plautus’ Latin”, “Introduction to Caucasian Languages”, “Comparative Celtic Grammar”, etc. He gave invited lectures in the universities and linguistic institutes in Osijek, Zadar, Sarajevo, Ljubljana, Madison, Yale, Konstanz, Heidelberg, Bonn, Berlin, Mainz, Leipzig, Jena, Leiden, Helsinki, Macerata, Naples, and Vienna.
PUBLICATIONS: Ranko Matasović has published eleven books and more than eighty articles. His books include A Theory of Textual Reconstruction in Indo-European Linguistics (Frankfurt a/M & New York 1996), Gender in Indo-European (Heidelberg 2004), Poredbenopovijesna gramatika hrvatskoga jezika [A Comparative and Historical Grammar of Croatian] (Zagreb 2008), Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic (Leiden 2009) and Slavic Nominal Word-Formation (Heidelberg 2014). The full list of publications is available at http://www.ffzg.hr/~rmatasov.
OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Ranko Matasović has published translations from English, Irish, Old Irish, Middle Welsh, Latin, Greek, Hittite, Russian, and Lithuanian. He is an editor of the journal „Suvremena lingvistika“, and he was the principal investigator of the scientific project „Croatian language from the comparative point of view“ funded by the Croatian Ministery of Science and Technology.
MEMBERSHIPS: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Indogermanische Gesellschaft (Wiesbaden), The Philological Society (London), Matica hrvatska (Matrix Croatica), Societas Linguistica Europaea.
AWARDS: Award of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts for a lasting contribution to science (2002).
PRIVATE: Ranko Matasović is married, with three children. His hobbies include horseback riding and show jumping, cycling, and playing tin whistle.
CURRENT AFFILIATION: Full Professor of Linguistics, University of Zagreb
WORK ADDRESS: Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, I. Lučića 3, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia; work telephone: (+385) 1 6120 047; e-mail: rmatasov@ffzg.hr; homepage: http://www.ffzg.hr/~rmatasov: 1. Bukovački ogranak 11, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia; home telephone: (+385) 1 234 2315; mobile phone: (+385) 91 515 8832