Sergey Trepet

Sergey Trepet

Keywords : Ecology Zoology Spatial structure Density-dependent factors Local subunits Simulation model

Country : Russia

Organization : Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve

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ResearchGate profile :


Mapping Seasonal European Bison Habitat in the Caucasus Mountains to Identify Potential Reintroduction Sites 2015 Biological Conservation

Mechanisms of Changes in Population Numbers of Caucasian Red Deer (Cervus elaphus maral) in the Northwestern Caucasus 2007 Russian Journal of Ecology

Bringing Wisents Back to the Caucasus Mountains: 70 Years of a Grand Mission 2010 European Bison Conservation Newsletter

Results of Mineralogical–geochemical Researches of Two High-mountain Kudurs Within Territory of Caucasus 2017 Environmental Earth Sciences

Effect of environmental factors on population dynamics and structure of the Caucasian red deer (Cervus elaphus maral) in the Caucasian state biosphere reserve 2012 Biology Bulletin

Anthropogenic Transformation and Prospects for Conservation of the Chamois Population (Rupicapra rupicapra caucasica) in the Northwestern Caucasus 2017 Biology Bulletin

Modern Dynamics of the Red Deer (Сervus elaphus maral) Population in the Caucasian State Nature Reserve 2017 Biology Bulletin

Influence of environmental factors on number dynamics and spatial structure of the tur (Capra caucasica) population in the Caucasian Reserve 2014 Biology Bulletin

The influence of environmental factors on the dynamics of the size and spatial structure of the chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra caucasica) population on the Caucasian Reserve 2013 Biology Bulletin

Estimation of the Population Densities of Species Prey or Competitor to the Leopard (Panthera pardus) in Hyrcan National Park, Azerbaijan 2022 Biology Bulletin