Katy Pearce

Katy Pearce

Keywords : Communication Social media Information

Country : United States

Organization : University of Washington

Department :

Email : kepearce@uw.edu

ResearchGate profile : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Katy-Pearce

Google scholar profile : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ofxZMUEAAAAJ&hl=en


The Influence of Social Media Discussion on Son Preference in Azerbaijan: Reinforcing Norms, Bargaining With Patriarchy, Space for Dissent 2022 International Journal of Communication

The Affordances of Social Networking Sites for Relational Maintenance in a Distrustful Society: the Case of Azerbaijan 2015 Social Media + Society

The Best Defense Is a Good Offense: the Role of Social Media in the Current Crackdown in Azerbaijan 2015 Caucasus Analytical Digest (CAD)

The Effect of the Internet on Civic Engagement Under Authoritarianism: the Case of Azerbaijan 2014 First Monday

The Language Divide — the Persistence of English Proficiency As a Gateway to the Internet: the Cases of Armenia, Azerbaijan, & Georgia 2014 International Journal of Communication

Two Can Play At That Game: Social Media Opportunities in Azerbaijan for Government and Opposition 2014 The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization

No Laughing Matter Humor As a Means of Dissent in the Digital Era: the Case of Authoritarian Azerbaijan 2014 The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization

The Challenges of Electoral Competition in An Oil Rich State: Azerbaijani Pre-Election Report 2013

Transnational Families in Armenia and Information Communication Technology Use 2013 International Journal of Communication

ICT Diffusion in the Republic of Armenia 2012 Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development

The Roles of Communication and Trust in Reported Compliance With Police in Armenia and the United States 2012 The Armenian review

Convergence Through Mobile Peer-to-Peer File Sharing in the Republic of Armenia 2011 International Journal of Communication

Political Institutional Trust in the Post-Attempted-Coup Republic of Armenia 2010 The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization