V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute
Status: Research Institute
Phone +7 (495) 953-49-21
Email info@esoil.ru
Website http://eng.esoil.ru
Address Per. Pyzhevskii 7, 119017, Moscow, Russia,
Contact Person Andrey Leonidovich Ivanov (Director), ( )
E.N. Molchanov T. V. Korolyuk Igor Yuryevich Savin
Mountain-meadow soils of the highlands in the Western Caucasus
Mountainous meadow chernozem-like soils of high mountains in the North Caucasus region
Mountainous meadow-steppe soils in high mountains of the Eastern Caucasus region
Soil forming factors: Their role in the formation of saline soils on the plains of Western and Central Ciscaucasia
Geoinformation evaluation of soil resource potential for horticulture in Krasnodar region and the Republic of Adygea
Geographical Estimation of Agroclimatic Resources of the North Caucasus for the Cultivation of Fruit Trees