Baku State University
Status: State University
Abbreviation: BSU
Phone 994 12 598 33 76
Address 23 Zahid Khalil, Baku, Azerbaijan,
Contact Person Abel Maharramov (Rector), Nizameddin Isgenderov (Nizameddin Isgenderov)
Department Department of Geodesy and Cartography Physical Geography
Magsad Gojamanov Elbrus Alizade Vugar Dargahov Farda Imanov Ismat Ahmadov Nazim Imamverdiyev Chingiz Ismayilov Baba Zadeh Vasif Murad Asadov Saleh Aliyev Nadir Ismayilov Sevinj Sarukhanova Adama Togola
The features of the use of gis technologies for monitoring of the situation of main water lines in Azerbaijan
Intensity of Landslips in Mountain Geosystems of Azerbaijan and Its Estimation
Structure of hazardous geomorphological processes on Minor Caucasus (within Azerbaijan)
Some characteristic of eco-and engineering-geomorphological estimations of the northeast slope of the major Caucasus (within the limits of Azerbaijan)
The Assessment of Landscape and Environmental Risks and Hazards Caused By Landslides in Mountain Areas
Problems of balanced development of the ecodynamical intense of mountain geosystems of the Azerbaijan part of the Great Caucasus
Morphostructures of Azerbaijan: formation and differentiation
Landscape-geomorphological estimation of recreational potential of mountain geosystems (On the example of the Azerbaijan part of the Greater Caucasus)
Investment opportunities of tourism industry in Azerbaijan and its regions
Assessing the water resources and ecological state of the Samur river (Eastern Caucasus)
Scientific sources of the ecological education and its development in Azerbaijan
Geochemistry and Tectonics of Cenozoic Volcanism in the Lesser Caucasus (Azerbaijan) and the Peri-Arabian Region: Collision-Induced Mantle Dynamics and Its Magmatic Fingerprint
Petrogenesis of the Late Cenozoic Collision Volcanism in the Central Part of the Lesser Caucasus (Azerbaijan)
Lesser Caucasus – East Iran, Middle East: Some Materials on Geology and Metallogeny, “Hot” Tectonics Due to the African Superplume Activity, Melt and Fluid Inclusions; Different Data on Hydrocarbons (HC), Problems, and Constraints
New Perspective Reza Gold Deposit (Gedabek Ore District, Lesser Caucasus, Azerbaijan)
Geochemical Anomalies in the NW Flank of Gedabek Mine (Lesser Caucasus, Azerbaijan)
Petro-Geochemical Features of the Bajocian Island-Arc Volcanism in the Lesser Caucasus (Azerbaijan)
Prospects of Newly Discovered Ugur Area in the Northwest of the Gedabey Ore District (Lesser Caucasus, Azerbaijan)
Formation of the Late Cenozoic Volcanic Complexes of the Lesser Caucasus
Geochemical Anomalies in the NW Flank of Gedabek Mine (Lesser Caucasus, Azerbaijan)
Prospects of Newly Discovered Ugur Area in the Northwest of the Gedabey Ore District (Lesser Caucasus, Azerbaijan)
Turkey-Russian Competition in the South Caucasus After the Azerbaijan-Armenian War
Macrozoobenthos of Shamkirchay River Under New Environmental Circumstances (Republic of Azerbaijan)
The Main Factors Affecting the Formation of Macrozoobenthos in the Rivers of Azerbaijan-a Review
The History of the Formation of Macrozoobenthos of Rivers in Azerbaijan
Macrozoobenthos of Alijanchay River-the Primary Indicator of Biodiversity Within the Greater Caucasus in the Territory of Azerbaijan
Macrozoobenthos of Rivers of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan
General Characteristics of Local Lore Documental Network Resources of the Libraries of Azerbaijan (Based on Library Collection)
History and Future Prospects of Gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa Guld, 1780) Population on the Island of Khara Zira
An Attempt to Restore the Population of the Goitered Gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) in Its Indigenous Range in the Caucasus (Mammalia: Bovidae)
Anthropogenic Impacts on Ajinohur Arid Forests of Azerbaijan
Energy Transition Policy and Forest Protection in the Republic of Mali and Azerbaijan: Analysis of Potentialities and Assets for Sustainable Development
Conservation of Egyptian Vulture in Azerbaijan
Conservation of Egyptian Vulture in Lesser Caucasus Within the Territory of Azerbaijan