WWF Azerbaijan office
Status: NGO
Phone +994 12 5385316
Email office_az@wwfcaucasus.org
Website https://www.wwf.az/about_us22/
Address 1st residential area, turn 11, house 3, AZ1021, Baku, Azerbaijan,
Contact Person Elshad Askerov (Project Manager),
South-Eastern Lesser Caucasus: The most important landscape for conserving the Leopard (Panthera pardus) in the Caucasus region (Mammalia: Felidae)
Land-Cover Change in the Caucasus Mountains Since 1987 Based on the Topographic Correction of Multi-Temporal Landsat Composites
Identifying Priority Areas for Restoring Mountain Ungulates in the Caucasus Ecoregion
A Range-Wide Monitoring Framework for the Persian Leopard and Its Prey
Mapping the Distribution and Habitat of Persian Leopard Across Its Historical Range
Status of Large Herbivores in the Caucasus
History and Future Prospects of Gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa Guld, 1780) Population on the Island of Khara Zira
An Attempt to Restore the Population of the Goitered Gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) in Its Indigenous Range in the Caucasus (Mammalia: Bovidae)
Estimation of the Population Densities of Species Prey or Competitor to the Leopard (Panthera pardus) in Hyrcan National Park, Azerbaijan
Conservation of the Leopard in the Caucasus