University of California
Status: public university
Address One Shields Avenue, CA 95616, davis, United States,
Contact Person Ralph J. Hexter (Interim Chancellor), Ken Burtis (Ken Burtis)
Department Department of Earth & Planetary Science
Frederik Noack Eric Cowgill Nicholas Bokulich Robert Kurkjian Charles Trexler Khatia Basilashvili Annabel Wolf
Separate or mixed production of timber, livestock and biodiversity in the Caspian Forest
Subducted, Detached, and Torn Slabs Beneath the Greater Caucasus
Drainage Network Reveals Patterns and History of Active Deformation in the Eastern Greater Caucasus
Late Cenozoic Deformation of the Kura Fold-thrust Belt, Southern Greater Caucasus
Transition from a Singly- to Doubly-vergent Wedge in a Young Orogen: the Greater Caucasus
Relict Basin Closure and Crustal Shortening Budgets During Continental Collision: An Example from Caucasus Sediment Provenance
Active convergence between the Lesser and Greater Caucasus in Georgia: Constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Lesser–Greater Caucasus continental collision
Orogen-scale Structural Architecture and Potential Seismic Sources Resulting from Cenozoic Closure of a Relict Mesozoic Ocean Basin in the Greater Caucasus
A Paleoseismic Investigation of a Frontal Foreland Thrust in the Greater Caucasus
Structural Geometries and Magnitude of Shortening in the Eastern Kura Fold-thrust Belt, Azerbaijan: Implications for the Development of the Greater Caucasus Mountains
Rate of Active Shortening Across the Southern Thrust Front of the Greater Caucasus in Western Georgia from Kinematic Modeling of Folded River Terraces Above a Listric Thrust
Tectonostratigraphy and Major Structures of the Georgian Greater Caucasus: Implications for Structural Architecture, Along-strike Continuity, and Orogen Evolution
Timing and Evolution of Structures Within the Southeastern Greater Caucasus and Kura Fold-Thrust Belt from Multiproxy Sediment Provenance Records
Episodic Evolution of a Protracted Convergent Margin Revealed By Detrital Zircon Geochronology in the Greater Caucasus
Microbial biogeography of the transnational fermented milk matsoni
Long-range downstream effects of urban runoff and acid mine drainage in the Debed River, Armenia: insights from lead isotope modeling
Isotopic evidence of the persistent dominance of blood lead concentrations by previous gasoline lead emissions in Yerevan, Armenia
Lead isotope tracking of atmospheric response to post-industrial conditions in Yerevan, Armenia
Rate of Active Shortening Across the Southern Thrust Front of the Greater Caucasus in Western Georgia from Kinematic Modeling of Folded River Terraces Above a Listric Thrust
Relict Basin Closure and Crustal Shortening Budgets During Continental Collision: An Example from Caucasus Sediment Provenance
Subducted, Detached, and Torn Slabs Beneath the Greater Caucasus
Tectonostratigraphy and Major Structures of the Georgian Greater Caucasus: Implications for Structural Architecture, Along-strike Continuity, and Orogen Evolution
Episodic Evolution of a Protracted Convergent Margin Revealed By Detrital Zircon Geochronology in the Greater Caucasus
Western Caucasus Regional Hydroclimate Controlled By Cold-Season Temperature Variability Since the Last Glacial Maximum