Technical University of Georgia
Status: Technical University
Abbreviation: GTU
Phone (995 32) 2 36 51 53
Address Merab Kostava st. 77, 0175, Tbilisi, Georgia,
Contact Person Archil Prangishvili (Rector), Levan Klimiashvili (Levan Klimiashvili)
Department Institute of Hydrometeorology The Center for Studying Productive Forces and Natural Resources of Georgia Institute “TECHINFORMI“ Mining-Geological Faculty
Tsisana Basilashvili Tamaz Patarkalashvili Teimuraz Matcharashvili Elizbar Elizbarashvili George Kordzakhia Ioseb Buachidze Irakli Shekriladze Archil Chirakadze Givi Gavardashvili Otar Paresishvili Tamar Khoshtaria Zurab Lomsadze Rusudan Kinkladze Maia Meladze Joseph Gogodze Irma Kokolashvili Nodar Poporadze Edisher Kvesitadze Iveta Megrelishvili Maia Kukhaleishvili Mikheil Pipia Nugzar Buachidze Ani Kiknadze Marina Metreveli David Bluashvili Paata Koguashvili Goga Chakhaia Tea Ninua Irina Khubulava Tamar Koblianidze Tengiz Lachkepiani
The forecast of the runoff of georgian mountain rivers under conditions of the sparse observational network
Desertification risk in Kakheti Region, East Georgia
Prevention of High Water floods of the Mountainous Rivers
Reservoirs on the mountain rivers and their safety
Some problems of forest management of georgia
Forest biodiversity of Georgia and endangered plant species
Urban forests and green spaces of Tbilisi and ecological problems of the city
Variation of the scaling characteristics of temporal and spatial distribution of earthquakes in Caucasus
Non-Extensive Statistical Analysis of Seismicity in the Area of Javakheti, Georgia
Nonlinear analysis of magnitude and interevent time interval sequences for earthquakes of the Caucasian region
Analysis of temporal variation of earthquake occurrences in Caucasus from 1960 to 2011
M9 Tohoku Earthquake Hydro- and Seismic Response in the Caucasus and North Turkey
Coupling of Multiple Rayleigh Waves and Water Level Signals during 2011 Great Tohoku Earthquake Observed in Georgia, Caucasus
Discrimination Between Stochastic Dynamics Patterns of Ambient Noises (Case Study for Oni Seismic Station)
Scaling Features of Ambient Noise At Different Levels of Local Seismic Activity: a Case Study for the Oni Seismic Station
Temporal and Spatial Variations of Scaling Behavior of Seismic Process in Caucasus
Droughts in Georgia
Icing of wires in mountain areas of Georgia
Georgian climate change under global warming conditions
Vulnerability, hazards and multiple risk assessment for Georgia
Hailstorms in the Territory of Georgia (Russian)
Dangerous fogs on the territory of Georgia
Creation of high-resolution climatic grid datasets for the territory of Georgia
Air temperature trends in Georgia under global warming conditions
Climatology and Historical Trends in Tropical Nights over the Georgian Territory Email address
The potential of renewable energy resources of Georgia
Spatiotemporal variations in climate moisture indices in Georgia under global warming
Climate Indices for the Moistening Regimen in the Territory of Georgia amidst Global Warming
Geography and dynamics of some temperature indices for assessing the climate change in Georgia
Heat wave events over Georgia since 1961: Climatology, changes and severity
Specific Features of Soil Temperature Regimes in Georgia
Light frosts in the freeze-free period in Georgia
Long-term changes in the number and temperature of hot days in Georgia under global warming
Statistical Structure of the Number of Hot Days on the Georgian Territory
Soil-climatic zoning of Georgia
Hurricane winds on the territory of Georgia
Temperature Indices of Climate Change in Georgia
The Potential of Georgia’s Climatic Resources
Frequency of occurrence and dynamics of droughts in Eastern Georgia in the 20th century
Characteristics of Frost Days in the Mountain Regions of Georgia
Dangerous regions of blizzard in Georgia
Satellite Remote Sensing Outputs of the Certain Glaciers on the Territory of East Georgia
Climate Change Impact on the Glaciers of the Rioni River Basin (Georgia)
Impact of Modern Climate Change on Glaciers in East Georgia
Research of Devdoraki Glacier Based on Satellite Remote Sensing Data and Devdoraki Glacier Falls in Historical Context
The Climate Change Impact on the Glaciers of Georgia
Utilization of a Rainfall-Runoff Hydrological Model in Studies on the Impact of Land Use Changes: Case Study from Georgia
Remote Sensing for Early Warning of Natural Meteorological and Hydrological Disasters and Provision of Transportation Safety Over the Black Sea in Georgia
Current Climate Change Impact on the Mtkvari (Kura) River Basin Glaciers Degradation
Reception and Processing of the Black Sea Surface Temperature Satellite Data for Georgian Water Area
Research of Soil Resources Degradation Processes in Georgia
Research of Uncontrolled Landfills Impact on Environment in Georgia
Research Into Glacier Variation Dynamics in East Georgia Under the Impact of Modern Climate Change
The Impact of Some Uncontrolled Landfill Sites on the Ecosystems of Surrounding Areas of Eastern and Western Parts of Georgia
East Georgia Glacial Basins Degradation Dynamics Under the Impact of Current Climate Change
Thermal waters of Georgia
Shale Gas Prospectivity for the Lower- and Middle Jurassic Terrigenous Shale Deposits of the Kazbegi - Omalo Region
The Availability of Natural Gas Content in Shales of Kazbegi-Omalo Zone
The Prospects of Shale-Gas from the Lower and Middle Jurassic Terrigenous Shale Deposits of the Kazbegi-Omalo Region
Shales of Georgia: Shale gas mining context
Arsenic pollution of soils and morbidity prevalence in Racha-Lower Svaneti district of Georgia
Debris Flows at the River Mletis Khevi (Greater Caucasus Mountains, Georgia) and its Assessment Methods
Prediction of the Erosive Processes in the Corridor of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Oil Pipeline and Development of Methods to Design the New Engineering Environmental Protection Measures
Evaluation of the Environmental Safety of Small Kazbegi HPP By Considering the Action of Devdorak Glacier Formed in the Bed of the River Kabakhi (Georgia)
An Innovative Construction for Regulating Snow Avalanches and Developing a Method for Its Design
Private Solutions to Design An Innovative Engineering Structure for Efficient Debris Flow Control
Development of the Debris Flow Control Elastic Barrage Design Methodology
Rural tourism as a promising trend of small business in Georgia: Topicality, capabilities, peculiarities
Prospects of ecotourism development in recreation areas of South Georgia
The planning of urban green areas and its protective importance in resort cities (case of Georgian resorts)
The ecological problems of rivers of Georgia (the Caspian Sea basin)
Water resources of Kakheti and ecological problems
Modern Trends and Prospects to Develop the Agrarian Sector of Georgia
Modern Trends in Foreign Direct Investments in Georgia
Some Urgent Issues of Georgia's Geography
Climate change: A trend of increasingly frequent droughts in Kakheti Region (East Georgia)
Evaluation of the Agro-Climatic Potential of the High Mountainous Areas in South Georgia to Develop Ecological Agriculture
Impact of Global Warming on the Vegetation Durable and Distribution Area of Crops in the Humid Subtropical and Mountainous Regions of Georgia
Distribution of Different Varieties of Vine with Account of Global Warming on the Territory of Georgia
Neglected Cultivars for the Mtskheta-Mtianeti Region (East Georgia): Ampelography, Phenology, and Agro-Climatology
Impact of Climate Change on Agro-Climatic Characteristics and Zones of Mtskheta-Mtianeti Region
Post-Pandemic Employment Opportunities in Georgia's Hospitality Industry
Agroclimatic Changes in the Mountainous Regions of Georgia
Climate Change: Agroclimatic Zoning of Grape Varieties in Eastern Georgia (on the Example of Mtskheta-Mtianeti)
Land Reform And Rural Well Being In The Republic Of Georgia: 1996-2003
Development of Individual Farming in Georgia: Descriptive Analysis and Comparisons
Measuring Innovative Capacities of the Georgia Regions
The Composite ECAICI: Positioning Of Georgias Innovative Capacities In The Europe-Central Asia Region
Georgian Research and Development System in 1996-2005
The First Pollen Data from the Upper Sarmatian Deposits of the Chachuna 2 Section (Eastern Georgia)
Atlas of pollen of the Georgian Upper Cenozoic Gymnosperms and Angiosperms
The Palaeobiological Basis of the Stratigraphical Subdivision of Meotian Deposits of Abkhazia (Pollen and Foraminifera)
Representatives of the family Hamamelidaceae in Neogene of Georgia
Western Georgia as a refuge for tertiary elements of Eurasian floras (using the example of the family Hamamelidaceae)
Atlas of Spores from the Cenozoic Deposits of Georgia
The pollen of genus Alangium in cenozoic deposits of Georgia
The history of genus Juglans L. on the territory of Georgia
The Results of Micropaleontological Analysis of the Late Meotian-Early Pontian Deposits of the Black Sea Region
The Palynological Characteristic of Eastern Georgia Sarmatian Deposits
The Comparison of Eastern and Western Georgia's Sarmatian Vegetation and Climate
The Comparison of the Results of Palynological and Microfaunistical Investigations of the Sarmatian Deposits of Eastern Georgia
The Flora and Vegetation of Eastern Georgia in the Sarmatian
Palynological Investigations of Sarmatian Deposits of Mtskheta District (Kartli, Eastern Georgia)
Shale Gas Prospectivity for the Lower- and Middle Jurassic Terrigenous Shale Deposits of the Kazbegi - Omalo Region
The Availability of Natural Gas Content in Shales of Kazbegi-Omalo Zone
The Prospects of Shale-Gas from the Lower and Middle Jurassic Terrigenous Shale Deposits of the Kazbegi-Omalo Region
Sandstones from the Kazbegi-Omalo Region
Shales of Georgia: Shale gas mining context
Alpine Type Quartz Veins of the Fold System of the Greater Caucasus (Within Georgia)
New Data on Formation of Goderdzi Petrified Wood (Georgia)
Cellulase End Xylanase Activity of Fungi in a Collection Isolated from the Southern Caucasus
Dependence of Phenolic Compound Content on Geographical Distribution of Chkhaveri Grapes in Adjara
Study of Proteins With Protease Activity from Some Plants Growing in Georgia and Preparation of Highly Active Preparations
Survey of Viral Infection of Apple in Shida Kartli Region of Georgia
Survey of Potato Viral Infection Using Das-Elisa Method in Georgia
Survey of Potato Viral Infection Using Das-Elisa Method in Georgia
Dangerous regions of blizzard in Georgia
On the Use of Anti-Hail Rockets "Trayal D 6- B" in the Work of Anti Hail System in Kakheti (Georgia)
Research of Uncontrolled Landfills Impact on Environment in Georgia
Research of Soil Resources Degradation Processes in Georgia
The Impact of Some Uncontrolled Landfill Sites on the Ecosystems of Surrounding Areas of Eastern and Western Parts of Georgia
Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan - Controversial Monuments of Cultural Heritage
Religious Heritage and Emerging Tourism in the Republic of Georgia
Effects of the August 2008 War in Georgia on Tourism and Its Resources
The Role of Protected Areas Towards the Economic Development of Tourism in Georgia
New Data on the Dzama-Gudjareti Ore Knot (Georgia)
The First Data on U-Th Mineralization in the Shkhara Paleozoic Crystalline Massif, the Greater Caucasus
Noble Metals Potential of Gudjareti-Khachkovi Ore Field, Georgia
The Discovery of U Mineralization in the Late Variscan Plagiogranite Vein of the Shkhara Crystalline Massif (Greater Caucasus, Georgia)
Discontinuities, Distribution Scales and Formation Conditions of Gujareti-Tskarostavi (Khachkovi) Ore Field
Pliocene-Quaternary Samtskhe-Javakheti Volcanic Highland, Lesser Caucasus – as a Result of Mantle Plumes Activity
Field Investigation of the Mythical "Gold Sands" of the Ancient Colchis Kingdom and Modern Discussion on the Argonauts' Expedition
Thermobaric Regime of the Formation of the Dzirula Massif Rkvia Variscan Granitoid Intrusive
The First Data on Industrial Concentration of Thorium and Bismuth in Hydrothermally Altered Lower-Jurassic Clay-Shales of the Stori Canyon (Southern Slope of the Greater Caucasus, Kakheti)
New Data About the Hokrila-Achapara Gold Ore-Mineralization (Svaneti-Georgia)
Mythical “Gold Sands” of Svaneti (Greater Caucasus, Georgia): Geological Reality and Gold Mining Artefacts
The Capacity of Rural Territories in Georgia
The Consensus on the Land Question in the Constitution of Georgia
Support for Agricultural Cooperatives Is An Urgent Necessity
Treatment of the Modern Management Mechanism of the Debris Flow Processes Expected in the Mletiskhevi
Computer Modeling and Forecast of Expected Debris Flow in the Mletiskhevi
The Forecast of Stability of the Landslide Slope Existing in the River Gldaniskhevi Valley
The Assessment of the Possibility Debris Flow Influence on the Pass Through Type Debris Flow Against Construction in the River Jokhtaniskhevis Basin
The Evaluation of Debris Flows Influence on the Pass Through Type Debris Flow Against Construction
Evaluation of the Environmental Safety of Small Kazbegi HPP By Considering the Action of Devdorak Glacier Formed in the Bed of the River Kabakhi (Georgia)
Assessment of Debris Flow Influence on the Lattice Type Debris Flow Against Construction
The Assessment of the Debris Flow Influence on the Debris Flow Against Stepped Barrage Containing of Semi Cylinder Shape Elements
Simulative Modeling of the Soil Erosion Processes
Study of Proteins With Protease Activity from Some Plants Growing in Georgia and Preparation of Highly Active Preparations
The Forecast of Stability of the Landslide Slope Existing in the River Gldaniskhevi Valley
Treatment of the Modern Management Mechanism of the Debris Flow Processes Expected in the Mletiskhevi
Simulative Modeling of the Soil Erosion Processes
A Comparative Research and Analysis of the Development of Sustainable Tourism in Georgian and Other International Curricula
Post-Pandemic Employment Opportunities in Georgia's Hospitality Industry
Wine As a Competitive Agricultural and Agritourism Product (Example of Georgia)
Tourism As One of the Important Branches of Georgian Economy
Bachelor in Engineering Physics
Engineering Safety and Emergency Management
Mining and Geoenginering (MSc)
Occupational Safety and Health (MSc)
Engineering Safety and Rick Management (PhD)
Energy and Electrical Engineering
Energy and Electrical Engineering (MSc)
Management of Technical Projects and Industrial Policy (MSc)
Energy and Electrical Engineering (PhD)
Innovation and Operations Management (PhD)