RISK Company
Status: IT Consulting Company
Phone (+99412) 497 3737
Website https://www.risk.az/
Address 59 Rashid Behbudov St,, 1022, Baku, Azerbaijan,
Contact Person Anar Aligioulov (Director),
Remote Sensing and GIS As An Advance Space Technologies for Rare Vegetation Monitoring in Gobustan State National Park, Azerbaijan
Rare Vegetation Degradation Within “Buffer Zones” in Gobustan State National Park, Azerbaijan
Rare Vegetation Degradation in Relation to Cattle Grazing in Gobustan, Azerbaijan: Classification and Change Detection from Remotely-Sensed Images
Monitoring Pastures in Gobustan, Azerbaijan: Geographical Data Base Design and Creation of Specialized GIS Environment
Rare Vegetation Monitoring in the Gobustan National Park, Azerbaijan
Rare Plant Conservation in Azerbaijan: Monitoring Threats and Education of Local Community