Publications search results for: Keywords "Lesser caucasus"
Year: 2016 Volume: 395
Author: Chantal Leroyer, Sébastien Joannin, David Aoustin, Adam A. Ali, Odile Peyron, Other autors
Neolithic water management and flooding in the Lesser Caucasus (Georgia)
Keywords: Lesser caucasus Holocene Geomorphology Neolithic Flood Stable isotopes Early water management Palaeoclimatology Radiogenic isotopes Plant macrofossilsYear: 2018 Volume: 197
Author: Vincent Ollivier, Michel Fontugne, Caroline Hamon, Alexia Decaix, Hatté Christine, Other autors
Year: 2017 Volume: 292
Author: Renata Piwowarczyk, Óscar Sánchez Pedraja, GONZALO MORENO MORAL,
Eemian and Post-eemian Fluvial Dynamics in the Lesser Caucasus
Keywords: Eastern Europe Lesser caucasus Holocene Pleistocene Paleogeography Fluvial archives Fluvial Geomorphology Landscape activity and stabilityYear: 2018 Volume: 191
Author: Hans Von Suchodoletz, Andreas Gärtner, Christoph Zielhofer, Dominik Faust,
Short Communication: Transboundary Leopard Conservation in the Lesser Caucasus and the Alborz Range
Keywords: Conservation Lesser caucasus Leopard Alborz RangeYear: 2017
Author: Urs Breitenmoser, Elshad Askerov, Mahmood Soofi, Chritine Breitenmoser-Würsten, Aurel Heidelberg, Other autors
Year: 2014 Volume: 102:4
Author: Marc Hässig, Yann Rolland, Lilit Sahakyan, Marc Sosson, Ghazar Galoyan, Other autors
Year: 2014
Author: Marc Hässig, Yann Rolland, Marc Sosson,
Obduction triggered by regional heating during plate reorganization
Keywords: Lesser caucasus Ophiolites Anatolia obductionYear: 2015 Volume: 28
Author: Marc Hässig, Yann Rolland, Thibault Duretz, Marc Sosson,
Year: 2013 Volume: 26
Author: Marc Hässig, Yann Rolland, Marc Sosson, Ghazar Galoyan, Lilit Sahakyan, Other autors
Year: 2013
Author: Marc Hässig, Yann Rolland, Marc Sosson, Other autors