Publications search results for: Keywords "Paleogene"
Educational Potential of Geoheritage: Textbook Localities from the Zagros and the Greater Caucasus
Keywords: Geological conservation Science education Sustainable valorization Sedimentology Tectonics Stratigraphy Sedimentary basins Biostratigraphy Paleontology Jurassic PaleogeneYear: 2023 Volume: 6
Author: Tahereh Habibi, Dmitry Ruban, Vladimir Ermolaev,
Year: 2021 Volume: 126
Author: Manuel Calvo-Rathert, M. F. Bógalo, J. Morales, Avto Gogichaishvili, Vladimir Lebedev, Other autors
Year: 2017 Volume: 25
Author: Ekaterina Shcherbinina, Alina Iakovleva, Elena Yurievna Zakrevskaya,
The Geochemistry of Sapropelic Interbeds in Paleogene of the Central Caucasus
Keywords: geochemistry Central Caucasus Paleogene Sapropelic InterbedsYear: 1991 Volume: 26
Author: Yuri Gavrilov, N.G. Muzylev,
A Paleogene Sequence in Central North Caucasus: a Response to Paleoenvironmental Changes
Keywords: Central North Caucasus Paleogene sequence Paleoenvironmental changesYear: 2000 Volume: 122
Author: Yuri Gavrilov, Ekaterina Shcherbinina, Nikita G. Muzylöv,
Year: 2015 Volume: 23
Author: N. Yu. Filippova, E. V. Beluzhenko, L. A. Golovina,
Recent tectonic stress evolution in the Lesser Caucasus and adjacent regions
Keywords: Neogene Quaternary active fault Structural Geology Stress field Kinematics collision zone Miocene Paleogene strike-slip fault tectonic evolution transtensionYear: 2010 Volume: 340
Author: Ara Avagyan, Marc Sosson , Arkady Karakhanian, Philip, Hérvé , Rebaï, Samira , Other autors