Publications search results for: Keywords "Ossetians"
Traditional Foods of the North Caucasus Region
Keywords: Adygeis Chechen Circassians Ingush Kabardino-Balkaria Karachai people North Caucasus OssetiansYear: 2022
Author: Natalya Oboturova, Ivan Evdokimov, Irina Kulikova, Andrey Bratsikhin, Diana Bogueva,
What can Genetics tell us about the origins of South and North Ossetians
Keywords: MtDNA Y Chromosome OssetiansYear: 2008 Volume: 2
Author: Ivan Nasidze,
Genetic Evidence Concerning the Origins of South and North Ossetians
Keywords: MtDNA Y Chromosome OssetiansYear: 2004 Volume: 68
Author: Ivan Nasidze, Dominique Quinque, Isabelle Dupanloup, Sergey Rychkov, Oksana Naumova, Other autors