Publications search results for: Keywords "Greater and Lesser Caucasus"
Geodynamics, Seismicity, and Seismic Hazards of the Caucasus
Keywords: Greater and Lesser Caucasus Geological evolution Geodesy Gravity Density Deformation Tectonic stresses Seismic tomographyYear: 2020 Volume: 207
Author: Alik Ismail-Zadeh, Shota Adamia, Aleksandre Chabukiani, Tamaz Chelidze, Sierd Cloetingh, Other autors
Greater and lesser Caucasus
(GPS) measurements
mountains indicate
Year: 1997 Volume: 24
Year: 1997 Volume: 24
Author: Robert Reilinger, Simon Mcclusky, B. J. Souter, M. W. Hamburger, M. T. Prilepin, Other autors
Heavy metals
Caucasus Mountains
Moss biomonitoring
Neutron activation analysis
Greater and lesser Caucasus
Year: 2015 Volume: 5
Year: 2015 Volume: 5
Author: Shamil Shetekauri, T. Shetekauri, A. Kvlividze, O. Chaligava, Tamaz Kalabegishvili, Other autors