Publications search results for: Keywords "Seismic tomography"
Formation of the Late Cenozoic Volcanic Complexes of the Lesser Caucasus
Keywords: Lesser Caucasus Late Cenozoic collision volcanism Petrogeochemistry Lithospheric mantle Asthenosphere Break-off of lithosphere Seismic tomographyYear: 2017 Volume: 51
Author: Nazim Imamverdiyev, V.M. Baba-Zade, Alexander Romanko, Sh. F. Abdullaeva, M.Y. Gasangulieva, Other autors
Geodynamics, Seismicity, and Seismic Hazards of the Caucasus
Keywords: Greater and Lesser Caucasus Geological evolution Geodesy Gravity Density Deformation Tectonic stresses Seismic tomographyYear: 2020 Volume: 207
Author: Alik Ismail-Zadeh, Shota Adamia, Aleksandre Chabukiani, Tamaz Chelidze, Sierd Cloetingh, Other autors
Tomographic evidence of slab detachment beneath eastern Turkey and the Caucasus
Keywords: Seismic Tomography Crustal structure Subduction zone processes Continental neotectonicsYear: 2008 Volume: 175
Author: zor,
Year: 2016 Volume: 119
Author: Irina Zabelina, Ivan Koulakov, Iason Amanatashvili, Sami El Khrepy, Nassir Al-Arifi,