Publications search results for: Title of Journal "Annals of Human Genetics"
Genetic Evidence Concerning the Origins of South and North Ossetians
Keywords: MtDNA Y Chromosome OssetiansTitle of journal: Annals of Human Genetics
Year: 2004 Volume: 68 Pages: 588-599
Author: Ivan Nasidze, Dominique Quinque, Isabelle Dupanloup, Sergey Rychkov, Oksana Naumova, Other autors
Mitochondrial DNA and Y-Chromosome Variation in the Caucasus
Keywords: Genetics MtD Y-ChromosomeTitle of journal: Annals of Human Genetics
Year: 2004 Volume: 68 Pages: 205–221
Author: Ivan Nasidze, E. Y. S. Ling, D. Quinque, I. Dupanloup, R. Cordaux, Other autors