Akper Feyzullayev

Akper Feyzullayev

Keywords : Geology tectonics Seismics Sediments Hydrodynamics Petroleum Geology Petroleum Exploration Petroleum Geoscience gas Sedimentary Basins

Country : Azerbaijan

Organization : Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Department : Institute of Geology and Geophysics

ResearchGate profile : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Akper_Feyzullayev

Google scholar profile : https://scholar.google.de/citations?user=lk4bVSQAAAAJ&hl=th


Comparative Characteristics of Composition and Radioactivity of Oligocene Clays in the Greater Caucasus and Talysh 2005 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Tectono-geophysical model of the Southern Caspian in the context of the presence of oil and gas 2016 Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth

On the origin of hydrocarbons in the main Lower Pliocene reservoirs of the South Caspian Basin, Azerbaijan 2015 Energy Exploration & Exploitation

GPS- Based Crustal Deformations in Azerbaijan and Their Influence on Seismicity and Mud Volcanism 2014 Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth

Environmental Consequences of Long-Term Development of Petroleum Fields, Absheron p-la, Azerbaijan, Case History 2014 Journal of Environmental Protection

The role of pressure in thermocatalytic processes in the sedimentary complex of the South Caspian basin 2013 Russian Geology and Geophysics

Geochemical Characteristics of Organic Matter from Maikop Rocks of Eastern Azerbaijan 2001 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Source potential of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic rocks in the South Caspian Basin and their role in forming the oil accumulations in the Lower Pliocene reservoirs 2001 Petroleum Geoscience

Temperature Evolution in the Lokbatan Mud Volcano Crater (Azerbaijan) after the Eruption of 25 October 2001 2003 Energy Exploration & Exploitation

Deep Structure Model and Dynamics of Mud Volcanoes, Southwest Absheron Peninsula (Azerbaijan) 2005 Energy Exploration & Exploitation

Petroleum Content and Mud Volcanism in the Po (Italy) and South Caspian (Azerbaijan) Basins: Differences and Their Possible Origins 2007 Energy Exploration & Exploitation

Occurrence and nature of overpressure in the sedimentary section of the South Caspian Basin, Azerbaijan 2009 Energy Exploration & Exploitation

The nature of the isotopically heavy carbon of carbon dioxide and bicarbonates in the waters of mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan 2010 Geochemistry International

About retardation of a physicochemical processes in overpressured sediments, South-Caspian basin, Azerbaijan 2011 Natural Science

Organic matter maturity and clay mineral transformations in overpressured formations: Comparison histories from two zones of the South Caspian Basin 2011 Energy Exploration & Exploitation

Mud volcanoes in the South Caspian basin: Nature and estimated depth of its products 2012 Natural Science

Radiostratigraphic study of the deposits of the Maikop Group, Western Azerbaijan 2012 Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation

Deep Gases Discharged from Mud Volcanoes of Azerbaijan: New Geochemical Evidence 2013 Marine and Petroleum Geology

Oil source rocks and geochemistry of hydrocarbons in South Caspian basin 2004 South Caspian basin: geology, geophysics and gas content

Stratigraphy and geochemical characterization of the Oligocene–Miocene Maikop series: Implications for the paleogeography of Eastern Azerbaijan 2008 Tectonophysics

GPS-based crustal deformations in Azerbaijan and their influence on seismicity and mud volcanism 2014 Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth

Mantle VS. Crustal Fluid Sources in the Gas Discharges from Lesser Caucasus and Talysh Mountains (Azerbaijan) in Relation to the Regional Geotectonic Setting 2020 Applied Geochemistry