Ramiz Mammadov
Keywords : Climate change Caspian Sea Hydrology Sea level Geological factors Ecological condition Geography
Country : Azerbaijan
Organization : Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Department : Institute of Geography
Email : ramiz.mamedov@geo.ab.az
Biography :
Ramiz Mammadov
Curriculum vitae
1. Family name: Mammadov
2. First names: Ramiz
3. Date of birth: 04.02.1950
4. Nationality: Azerbaijani
5. Civil status: Married
6. Education:
(Date from - Date to)
Degree(s) or Diploma(s)
1978 Azerbaijan State
Masters degree in Physics,
Physics Department, 29/06/72
1980 P.P.Shirshov Institute of
Oceanology, Moscow
PhD in Physical Oceanography,
P.P.Shirshov Institute of
Oceanology, Moscow 1/15/80
Tbilisi State University Doctor of Science in Hydrology
1998 at Academy of Science,
Professor on
7. Language skills: mark 1 (worst) to 5 (best) for competence
Language Reading Speaking Writing
Russian 5 5 5
English 4 4 4
Azeri 5 5 5
8. Membership of professional bodies:
2014- present: Active member Azerbaijan National Academy of
2001- present: Member of Board International Center on Water
Research in the BSEC Region (Kiyev)
2000-present: President of the Advisory Council of the Regional
Environmental Center for Caucasus /REC- Caucasus/, E(Tbilisi).
1999-present: President of the Azerbaijan Geography Society (The
Executive Board)
1995-present: Member of the Russian Oceanographic Society (The
Executive Board)
1995-present: Member of the Azerbaijan Meteorological Society
(The Executive Board)
1998-present: Member National Committee of International
Hydrologist Program (UNESCO)
1997-present: Deputy of editor-in-chief Proceedings “The Sciences
of Earth” Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences
1992-present: Expert State Committee of Ecology Azerbaijan
9. Other skills:
Team leader international project on landcape planning inAzerbaijan
in dept knowledge of landscape planning
Team leader of GIS/Remote Sensing projects
10. Present position:
Director Institute of Geography of the Azerbaijan National Academy
of Science; Head of the “Center for Caspian Sea Problems”
11. Years within the firm:
12. Key qualifications (Relevant to the project):
Development of long-term prognosis for the change of the
Caspian Sea level - its social-economics and ecological effects.
Long history on researching the ecology of the Caspian Sea
Caspian Sea level problems and coastal zone management
Extensive applied research on landscape planning in Azerbaijan
13. Specific regional experience (Caucasus region):
30 years experience in theoretical and field research of the Caspian
Sea’s ecological situation
14. Professional experience record
Date: from-to
2009 -2011
Location Brussels
Company FP EU
Position Team leader
Date: from-to
2008 -2009
Location Azerbaijan
Company CRDF Cooperative Grants Program
Position Director
Description Climate change and ecosystem of the Caspian Sea,
model study
Date: from-to
2007 -2008
Location Azerbaijan
Company BfN (Germany)
Position Co-Director
Date: from-to
2011 -2012
Location Baku
Company A project implemented by GFA Consulting
Group GmbH, BfN
Position Director
Description Ecoregional nature protection Programme in
the southern Caucasus – Establishment of the
Samur-Yalama National Park, BMZ-N° 2003
65 437
Date: from-to
2011 -2012
Location Baku
Company A project implemented by GFA Consulting
Group GmbH, BfN
Position Director
Description Ecoregional nature protection Programme in
the southern Caucasus – Establishment of the
Samur-Yalama National Park, BMZ-N° 2003
65 437
Description Landscape Planning in south Caucasus
Date: from-to
2007 -2008
Location Azerbaijan
Company INTAS
Position Co-Director
Date: from-to
2007 -2008
Location Azerbaijan
Company INTAS
Position Co-Director
Description Monitoring of Oil Pollution using Earth
Observation Data: a multi-sensor, multi-platform
approach (MOPED)
Date: from-to
Location Azerbaijan
Company NATO Science for Peace Programme
Position Director
Description “Multi-disciplinary Analysis of the Caspian Sea
Date: from-to
Location Azerbaijan
Position Co-Director
Description The design of the Caspian basin observing system
to form the basis for environmental forecasting.
Date: from-to
Location Azerbaijan
Company CRDF Cooperative Grants Program
Position Co-director
Description “Physical and geographical model of the
transgressional diffusion of pollutants in different
hydrometeorological conditions in the caspian sea.”
Date: from-to
Location Azerbaijan
Company GEF/UNDP, 1998-2000, UNFCCC, BONN (2001)
Position Contractor
Description “Initial National Communication on Climate Change
in the Azerbaijan Republic”
Date: from-to
Location Azerbaijan, Baku
Company ?
Position Contractor
Date: from-to
Location Azerbaijan, Baku
Company TACIS
Position Azerbaijan director
Description “Study of influence of the rise of a level of Caspian
Sea on the process of desertification in the coastal
Date: from-to
Location Azerbaijan, Baku
Company World Bank, State Committee on Hydrometeorology
of the Azerbaijan Republic
Position Investigator
Description “The climate change in Azerbaijan”
Date: from-to 1998
Location Azerbaijan, Baku
Company IWACO, Holland
Position Investigator
Description “Clearing of the Baku bay ”
Date: from-to
Location Azerbaijan, Baku
Company UNDP, TASIC, World Bank
Position Investigator
Description “Caspian Sea Ecological Program”
Date: from-to
Location Azerbaijan, Baku
Company GEF-UNDP, Project Development Facility
Position Investigator
Description Project “Caspian Transboundary Diagnostic
Date: from-to
Location Azerbaijan, Baku
Company BP, Amoco aliens
Position Head
Description “The monitoring of sea current on the coastal zone
of the Caspian Sea”
Date: from-to
Location Azerbaijan, Baku
Company World Bank, State Committee of Ecology
Position Principal investigator
Description “National Environmental Action Plan Azerbaijan
Date: from-to
Location Azerbaijan, Baku
Company UNEP
Position Principal investigator
Description “Consequences change of climate in the region of
the Caspian sea”
Date: from-to
Location Azerbaijan
Company NATO Science for peace
Position Country Director
Description Multi-disciplinary Analysis of the Caspian Sea
Date: from-to
Location Azerbaijan
Position Co-director
Description Pilot project “The design of the Caspian-Aral
observing system to monitor human and natural
influences on a regional basis”.
Date: from-to
Location Azerbaijan
Company CRDF Cooperative Grants Program
Position Co-director
Description Physical and geographical model of the
transgressional diffusion of pollutants in different
hydrometeorological conditions in the caspian sea.
Date: from-to
Location Azerbaijan
Company GEF/UNDP, 1998-2000, UNFCCC, BONN (2001)
Position Contractor
Description “Initial National Communication on Climate Change
in the Azerbaijan Republic”.
15. Others
Participation in International Conferences and Workshops
Presentation at IGU Regional Conference in Moscow, Russia 17-22
Presentation at Conference on Ecology, Environment and Sustainable
Development of Silk Road Economic Zone, June 15-16, 2014, Beijing,
Presentation at European Geosciences Union General Assembly
2013, Vienna | Austria | 07 – 12 April 2013
Presentation at International Conference on Coasts, Ports, and Marine
Structures, http://icopmas.pmo.ir/En/pages/page.aspx, Tehran
November, 2012
Presentation at NATO Advanced Research Workshop
“Transboundary water resources: strategies for regional security and
ecological stability”, 25 – 27 August 2003, Novosibirsk, Russia .
Presentation at International Symposium on “The European Union
and Caspian Sea Region in Dialogue –Sustainability, Environmental
Policy and Caspian Region Development”, 11-13, March,. Germany,
Presentation at International Symposium on the Problems of the
Regional Seas, 12-14 May, Istanbul-Turkey.
Presentation at International Symposium on “Integrated Water
Resources Management”, University of California, Davis, California
USA, April 9-12.
Presentation at seminar in Rosental School Marine and
Atmospheres Sciences, University of Florida USA, April 23-25
Presentation at EAPC Seminar on ”Energy Security of the
Caucasus”, Baku, 20-21 June.
Presentation at the International seminar on “Ecological Problems of
the Caspian Sea”, Moscow, 1-3 December.
Presentation at International Symposium on ”The Learning society
and the Water- Environment”, Paris 2-4 June.
Presentation at the Second International Conference on “Climate
and Water”, Espoo, Finland,17- 20 August.
Presentation at “ Meetings of the Caspian Scientists”, Almaty,
Kazakhstan, UNESCO 22-26 September.
Presentation at the Regional Workshop “Integrated Coastal Zone
Management” Chabahar- IR.Iran, UNESCO, 24-29 February.
2014 - Caspian Sea hydrometeorological atlas, Baku, 300p.
2008 – Atropogenic transformation of the South Caucasus natural
ambience, Tbilisi, 450 p.
2007- Geography risk and catastrophes, Tbilisi, 358 p.
2007 – Caspian Sea: Hydrometeorological variability and ecogeographical
problems, Issue “Elm” Baku, 454 p.
2005 Present state of the Caspian Sea, Moscow, “NAUKA”, 366 p. (with
G.Panin, I.Mitrofanov)
2000 The Changeability of Hydrophisical Fields and Their Influence on
Transport of Pollution in the Caspian Sea, Baku, 185 p.
1998 The Hydrometerological Atlas of Caspian Sea (with A.A.Alizade,
B.A.Budagov), Baku, 275 p.
1996 The Constructive Geography of the Azerbaijan Republic, (with B.B.
Budagov), Baku, 245 p.
1977 The Current in the Baikal. Novosibirsk, 175p.
Papers (selected for the last period)
2015 - Impact of Climate Changes on the Caspian Sea Level // Journal of
Resources and Ecology, 2015 Vol 6. No 2, p. 87-92.
2013 - The sstrategy of management of the Azerbaijan coastal zone at the
various levels of Caspian Sea,
2012 - Development 3D Model Of Adaptation Of The Azerbaijan Coastal
Zone At The Various Levels Of Caspian Sea // International Conference on
Coasts, Ports, and Marine Structures,
http://icopmas.pmo.ir/En/pages/page.aspx, Tehran November, 2012.
2011 -. Milanlak A., Mamedov R.M., A comparison accuracy study of GPS
photogrammetric block adjustment and independet model approch, ANA of
Sciences, Proceedings the Sciences of Earth., 2011. #1. p. 89-94.
2010 - Проблемы воздействия эколого-социальных угроз и рисков на
устойчивое развитие регионов Азербайджана // Известия РАН. Серия
Географическая. -2010. -№ 1. -С.37-41. –Совместно с Б.А.Будаговым,
Э.К.Ализаде, М.Д.Исмаилов Х.Р Исматовой и З.Н.Эминовым.
2011 - Ландшафтное планирование в Ширванском Национальном
Парке Азербайджана // Экологическое планирование и управление. -
Москва. -2010. -№ 1.
2009 - Impact of climatic changes on the physical state of the Caspian Sea in
regulating the primary production // ANA of Sciences, Proceedings the Sciences
of Earth. -2009. -No4. -P.49-52. Co-authors R.A.Ibrayev, Ch.N.K.Moors and
2008 - Climatic Parameters of Urmia Lake Basin and the Effects on Water
Level // Geographical Society of Azerbaijan: Geographical problems of
safeguarding of the Ecological Security of natural-economic systems. -
V.XIV. June. -2009. -P.321-324. –Co-authors K.Bagherzadeh.
2004-Particle tracking method in the approach for prediction of oil slick
transport in the sea: modelling oil pollution resulting from river input. 2004, J.
Marine Systems. 48, p. 159-170, (with Korotenko K.A.).
2004-Экотоксикологическое состояние окружающей среды в
Азербайджане, ), MAB Azerbaijan National Committee Proceedings, vol.3,
p. 16-34.
2003-“Transboundary water problems in the Kura – Araks basin”,
Presentation at NATO Advanced Research Workshop “Transboundary water
resources: strategies for regional security and ecological stability”, 25 – 27
August 2003, Novosibirsk, Russia (with Mansimov, Ismatova).
2003-Динамика процесса опустынивания на территории Азербайджана.,
В книге: Страны и регионы на пути к сбалансированному развитию
(сборник научных трудов), Киев-2003, ст. 27-31. (соавторы Будагов Б.А.,
Мамедов Р.М., Исматова Х.Р., Микаилов А.А. Киев, 26 май, Междун.
2003- " Экологическое состояние и трансграничное загрязнения
Каспийского моря, В кн. «Трансграничные проблемы стран СНГ»,
Москва Изд. «ОПУС», 2003, стр.100-110. (Материалы шестой выездной
сессии Объединенного научного Совета по фундаментальным
географическим проблемам при Международной ассосиации академии
наук, Крым-Алушта, 1-6 сентябрь).
2002-Динамика процессов опустынивания в восточной части
Азербайджанской республики, 2002, НАН Азербайджана, Известия Наук
о Земле, N2, с.7-17, (Б.А.Будагов, А.А.Микаилов, Х.Р.Исматова)
2002-Обзор современного экологического состояния Каспийского моря,
2002, Материалы международного научного семинара,
Экотоксикологичекая oценка риска загрязнения окружающей среды
Кавказа, Ереван, с. 150-161.
2002 Prediction of the Transport and dispersal of Oil in the Caspian Sea
Resulting from Blowouts, J., Environmental Fluid Mechanics 1: 383-414,
2002 (with C. N. K. Mooers and K.A. Korotenko)
2002. Forecasting the Change of the Caspian Level and its Social-Economic
and Ecological After Effects, 1st International Symposium The European
Union and the Caspian Sea Region in Dialoque – Sustaniability,
Environmental Policy and Caspian Region Development, 11-13, March,
2002 An overview of contemporary environmental status of the Caspian sea,
Materials of the international scientific seminar, Yerevan, p.p150-161/
2001, Model of the Pollution transport in the South Part of the Caspian Sea,
International Conference “Environmental problems of the Mediterranean
Region”, Nicosia, 12-15 April
2001 Caspian sea level and ecological problems, Problems of the regional
seas, Istanbul, p. 3-13.
2001 Modeling of Oil Patch Transport Processes in the Coastal Zone of the
Caspian Sea. Oceanologia, v. 41, is.1, p. 42 - 52
2000 Prediction of the Dispersal of Oil Transport in the Caspian Sea
Resulting from a Continuous Release. Spill Science and Technology
Bulletin, Vol.5/6 - 6 pp. 323-339 (with C. N. K. Mooers and K.A. Korotenko)
1998 Research Results of Sleeve – Surge Phenomena the Caspian Sea
Western areas. J. Proceedings the Sciences Earth, Azerbaijan Academy of
Sciences, №3, p.35-39 (With Gumbatov A.I. and Mamedov G.M.).
2000 Modeling of a temperature anomaly formation process in a coastal
zone of the sea. Oceanologiya, v. 40, is.4, p. 500-508 (with K.A. Korotenko).
2000 Changing Caspian Sea level and assessment of the Azerbaijan
coastal zone vulnerability. Int. Symp. on “Integrated water resources
management”, University of California, USA, 9-12 April.
We herewith authorize this curriculum vitae
Ramiz Mammadov (authorized representative)
Baku, 6 April , 2016