Sevinc Rzayeva
Keywords: Geology Geomorphology Hydrogeology Sedimentary Basins Petroleum Geology
Organization: Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University
Zoe Cumberpatch
Keywords: Geology Deep-water sedimentology Salt Tectonics Stratigraphy Petroleum Geology Sedimentary Basins
Organization: The University of Manchester
Akper Feyzullayev
Keywords: Geology tectonics Seismics Sediments Hydrodynamics Petroleum Geology Petroleum Exploration Petroleum Geoscience gas Sedimentary Basins
Organization: Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Konstantin Sobornov
Keywords: Geodynamics tectonics Petroleum Geology Petroleum Exploration Petroleum Geoscience Sedimentary Basins Hydrocarbon Exploration Geology
Organization: Nord-West Company
Gayane Asatryan
Keywords: Geology Environment Taxonomy Tectonics Evolution Sedimentology Systematics Sequence Stratigraphy Stratigraphy Petroleum Geology
Organization: Leibniz Associacion