People search results for: Keywords "Stratigraphy"
Keywords: Stratigraphy Biostratigraphy Palynology Paleogeography Climate Reconstruction Fossils
Organization: Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Paleontology Geology Stratigraphy Biodiversity
Organization: National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia
Keywords: Micropaleontology Microfacies Paleoenvironment Biostratigraphy Geology
Organization: Shiraz University
Keywords: Geography Geomorphology Paleoclimatology Sediments Rivers Loess Physical Geography Climate Change Paleoclimatology Soil Hydrology Quaternary Geology Soil Erosion Sedimentology Environment Stratigraphy Radiocarbon Dating Climate Reconstruction Glacial Geology Paleogeography Mineralogy
Organization: Technical University of Dresden
Keywords: Environment Sedimentology Geology Sedimentary Basins Stratigraphy Sediments Palaeoecology Marine Geology Paleogeography