Yuri Gavrilov

Yuri Gavrilov

Keywords : Geology geochemistry Environment Sedimentology Geological Processes Sequence Stratigraphy Sedimentary Basins Carbon Cycle

Country : Russia

Organization : Russian Academy of Sciences

Department : Geological Institute

ResearchGate profile : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yuri_Gavrilov4


The mineralogical, isotope (K–Ar), structural, and textural features of the Jurassic siliciclastic complex in various tectonic environments (Greater Caucasus, Chechnya, and Georgia) 2016 Moscow University Geology Bulletin

Sedimentary environments and geochemistry of Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene rocks in the northeastern Caucasus 2017 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Reflection of Seismic Paleoevents in Mesozoic–Cenozoic Terrigenous Sequences of the Northern Caucasus 2017 Lithology and Mineral Resources

The Late Cenomanian Paleoecological Event (OAE 2) in the Eastern Caucasus Basin of Northern Peri-Tethys 2013 Lithology and Mineral Resources

The K–Ar System, Lithomineralogical, and Geostructural Characteristics of the Jurassic Terrigenous Complex in the Northeastern Caucasus 2012 Lithology and Mineral Resources

A Paleogene sequence in central North Caucasus: A response to paleoenvironmental changes 2000 Gff -Uppsala

Certain aspects of diagenesis in the Chokrak - Karagan deposits in Eastern Transcaucasia 1977 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Authigenic formations of the Jurassic sediments in Western Daghestan 1982 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Geochemistry of Lower and Middle Jurassic deposits in the Central Caucasus 1985 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Clay minerals of the Lower and Middle Jurassic deposits of Western Dagestan 1987 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Clay minerals of the Lower and Middle Jurassic sediments of structural and facies zones of the Central Caucasus 1987 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Sedimentation related to transgressions and regressions in an Early to Middle Jurassic basin of the Great Caucasus 1989 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Dynamics of the accumulation of sedimentary sequences in Early and Middle Jurassic time in the Northern Caucasus (trial reconstruction) 1989 Lithology and Mineral Resources


Landslides and the formation of homogeneous horizons in submerged debris cones (Liassic, Northeastern Caucasus) 1990 Lithology and Mineral Resources

The Geochemistry of Sapropelic Interbeds in Paleogene of the Central Caucasus 1991 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Formation of gravitites in the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus Jurassic basin 1992 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Central Caucasus terrigenous deposits: variable postdiagenetic alteration, Lower and Middle Jurassic 1992 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Geochemistry of terrigenous deposites in connection with eustatic fluctuations of sea level (Lower and Middle Jurassic, Northern Caucasus) 1992 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Lower and Middle-Jurassic deltaic sedimentary complex of the Northeast Caucasus. Part 1. Sedimentological aspects of the formation of deltaic complex 1994 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Lower and Middle-Jurassic deltaic sedimentary complex of the Northeast Caucasus. Part 2. Dynamics associated with the formation of the complex 1994 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Structure and development of Jurassic deltaic terrigenous complex in thе northeastern part of Greater Caucasus basin 1998 15th Sedimentological CongresAt: Spain, Alicante

Diagenetic Mineral Formation in Biogenic Structures (Paleogene, Northeastern Caucasus) 2000 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Lithomineralogical and Geostructural Characteristics of the Lower-Middle Jurassic Terrigenous Complex of the Greater Caucasus (the Terek River Area) 1999 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Isotopic Composition (δ13C, δ18O) of Carbonate Concretions from Terrigenous Deposits in the Northern Caucasus 2001 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Environmental dynamics during the Paleocene–Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) in the northeastern Peri-Tethys revealed by high-resolution micropalaeontological and geochemical studies of a Caucasian key section 2016 Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology