First National Initiative Group meeting in Armenia
On February 24th, 2020 meeting on Development and Planning of Regional Dialogue and Cooperation took place in Armenia, bringing together the scientists and practitioners.
Meeting participants were introduced to the project “Strengthening the Climate Adaptation Capacities in the South Caucasus (SCAC)” and its main components, as well as activities undertaken such as results of the second Caucasus Mountain Forum (CMF 2019) and the Caucasus Regional Research Agenda (C-RRA), Preliminary Assessment of the Situation of Higher Education and Risk Mapping in DRM and Higher Education in Disaster Risk Reduction. The audience, mainly including potential National Initiative Group (NIG) Armenia members, was provided with the presentations about Advocacy Roadmap and the Caucasus Regional Research Agenda (C-RRA).
First National Initiative Group meeting in Azerbaijan
On February 5th, at the Institute of Geography Academy of Science, the first meeting of the National Initiative Group of Azerbaijan (NIG Azerbaijan) on Development and Planning of Regional Dialogue and Cooperation took place, bringing together the scientists and practitioners.
The Initiative Group in Azerbaijan is responsible the advocacy of the science-policy interface strengthening and the Caucasus Regional Research Agenda (C-RRA) promotion.
First National Initiative Group meeting in Georgia
On December 18, the First National Meeting on Development and Planning of Regional Dialogue and Cooperation in Georgia took place, bringing together the scientists and practitioners. The meeting covered the overview of the Caucasus Regional Research Agenda (C-RRA) and the introduction of the Advocacy Roadmap, developed for strengthening the cooperation between academia and practitioners.
Second Caucasus Mountain Forum 2019
On 30 October – 1 November 2019 the Second Caucasus Mountain Forum (CMF) was held in Ankara, Turkey, gathering about 200 participants from the six countries of the Caucasus Ecoregion, as well as from Austria, Estonia, Italy, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Norway United Kingdom, Ukraine, etc. The Second CMF was hosted by Ankara University, Department of Geography.
CEO Meeting under SCAC Project
On 12-13 June 2019 the working meeting on the second Caucasus Environmental Outlook (CEO) methodology under the project “Strengthening Climate Adaptation Capacities in South Caucasus (SCAC)” was held at Sustainable Caucasus Office in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Kick-off Meeting of the SCAC Project
Under the project Strengthening Climate Adaptation Capacities in the South Caucasus the kick off meeting was held on 4-5 March, 2019 at Ilia State University.
On December 10 the new agreement was signed between the Sustainable Caucasus and Swiss Cooperation South Caucasus which marked the start of the implementation phase for the project Strengthening Climate Adaptation Capacities in South Caucasus (SCAC).
International Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan on Inland Waters: Case Study for the Caspian Basin
Institute of Geography National Academy Sciences of Azerbaijan together with Inter-Islamic Science and Technology Network on Oceanography (INOC) is organizing international conference on “UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEMS OF INLAND WATERS: CASE STUDY FOR THE CASPIAN BASIN (UPCB)”.
Conference will be held on 12 - 14 May 2018 in Baku, Azerbaijan.
SNC-mt Planning Workshop under the “Sustainable Caucasus Project”
On 6-7 November SNC-mt Planning Workshop was held at Tbilisi State University under the “Sustainable Caucasus Project”.
Thematic Conference "Practical Geography and XXI Century Challenges"
On 4-8 June, 2017 The Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Sciences is hosting the thematic conference "Practical Geography and XXI Century Challenges" dedicated to the 100 year anniversary of the Institute.