The IX International Scientific-Practical Conference "Mountain Territories: Priorities of Development" in Vladikavkaz

The IX International Scientific-Practical Conference "Mountain Territories: Priorities of Development" will be held October 23rd to 25th 2017 in Vladikavkaz. The Conference is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of implementation of ideology of sustainable development of mountain territories in the Caucasus.

The conception of the event relies on the administrative order from August 2 2016 No. 224-p of the Government of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and is in full accordance with the final conclusions of the VIII International Conference "Science, education, culture, information and outreach activities as the basis for sustainable development of mountain territories".

The Conference is supposed to focus on the following aspects of the development of mountain territories:

1. Mountain ecosystems and humanitarian and social development:

1.1. Legal framework of the sustainable development of mountain territories (including traditions and community laws).

1.2. Socio-economic problems of mountain territories.

1.3. Science, education and culture and their application to the development of mountain ecosystems.

2. Rational environmental management of mountain territories:

2.1. Industrial development of mountain territories.

2.2. Perspectives of agriculture in mountains.

2.3. Mountain tourism and recreational resources of the areas.

2.4. Specially protected natural reservations and the development of mountain territories.

3. Natural and anthropogenic risks and hazards threatening the development of mountain regions.

4. International and interregional stimulation of development of mountain territories.

5. The V International Round-Table Seminar on past activities and future plans for 2018-2020 of the International Innovation Scientific and Technological Centre "Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories".


Questions and suggestions as well as any information on participation and proceedings of the Conference are welcome at:

44 Nikolaeva St., Vladikavkaz, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, 362021, Russian Federation, North Caucasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (State Technological University)

1. Secretary in Charge: Karaev Yuri Isaevich
Tel.: +7 (918) 825-45-90; +7 (928) 855-45-90

2. The Independent non-profit Organization "International Innovation Scientific and Technological Centre" Sustainable Development of  Mountain Territories" Mountains". Tel.: +7 (8672) 407-570. E-mail:

The following papers should be submitted to the Organizing Committee till 1 September 2017: a filled-in application form, the title of an article/report/lecture (if intended). Articles, reports and lectures, meeting the requirements from Enclosure 2, are sent as e-mails to:, prior to September 30 2017.

All participants will have the Program and their personal invitations prior to the beginning of the Conference.

The working languages are Russian and English.

The course of the Conference implies the following:

  • Overall plenary session
  • Separate plenary sessions
  • Trend sessions and round-table discussions
  • Seminars
  • Display of literature and regulative acts
  • Exhibition of works of national art and items of folk craft
  • Cultural events:

a) student talent activities
b) sightseeing tour (student campus, places of interests in Vladikavkaz and the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania).