Preparatory Meeting towards a Scientific Network on the Caucasus Mountain Regions

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in collaboration with the National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia (NALAG) initiated a project in order pave the way towards the establishment of a scientific network in the Caucasus Mountain Regions.

The main component of this project was the definition of a common vision for a scientific network of various institutions and stakeholders working on the Caucasus mountain regions. Interested stakeholders gathered in Tbilisi to discuss opportunities and challenges. The meeting participants discussed core elements of a common vision and an appropriate institutional setup to support such efforts.

The preparatory meeting towards a Scientific Network on the Caucasus Mountain Regions was held in Tbilisi on 10 April 2013, hosted by Ilia State University, and attended by representatives of Yerevan State University and Armenia Pedagogical University; Baku State University; Ilia State University; the Institute of Geography of Academy of Science of the Russian Federation. Representatives of WWF Caucasus, IUCN Caucasus and REC Caucasus, as well as number of independent experts also participated in the meeting.

The preparatory meeting was organized by UNEP and NALAG in collaboration with the University of Geneva’s Department of Geography and Environment and Ilia State University.