New Publications 1-29 February 2024
Looking to catch up on your reading on the SNC-mt website from across the Caucasus Mountain research community? Here's our list of new publications – updated for you bi-monthly!
Wild Grapes of Armenia: Unexplored Source of Genetic Diversity and Disease Resistance
Molecular Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Lineages in Armenia
Yeghegis-1 Rockshelter Site: New Investigations Into the Late Chalcolithic of Armenia
Looking for Noble and Rare Metals in Black Shale Formations of Armenia: the Primary Investigations
The Ore-Bearing Potential of Amphibolic Gabbro Rocks of Koghov Mountain (Southern Armenia)
Prehistoric Gold from Lake Sevan Basin? New Research on Armenian Gold Deposits and Objects
Tricky Technology of Making Silver Seed Beads in the Early Bronze Age, NW Caucasus
Genome-Wide Association Study of Milk Composition in Karachai Goats