New Publications 1-29 February 2024

Looking to catch up on your reading on the SNC-mt website from across the Caucasus Mountain research community? Here's our list of new publications – updated for you bi-monthly!

Genetic Diversity of Armenian Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Germplasm: Molecular Characterization and Parentage Analysis

Grapevine Genetic Resources of Armenia: Molecular Fingerprinting and Phylogenetic Relationship Among Wild and Cultivated Grapevine

Machine Learned-Based Visualization of the Diversity of Vine Genomes Worldwide and in Armenia Using SOMmelier

Wild Grapes of Armenia: Unexplored Source of Genetic Diversity and Disease Resistance

HLA-C*04:01 Affects HLA Class I Heterozygosity and Predicted Affinity to SARS-CoV-2 Peptides, and in Combination With Age and Sex of Armenian Patients Contributes to COVID-19 Severity

Molecular Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Lineages in Armenia

Yeghegis-1 Rockshelter Site: New Investigations Into the Late Chalcolithic of Armenia

Depositional Palaeoenvironment of the Middle Jurassic (Aalenian) Ooidal Ironstones in Labino-Malkin Zone (North-Western Caucasus)

Dragons Under Microscope: Determination and Identification of the Geological Sources of Vishap Stone Stelae

Secondary Dispersion Halos of Platinum and Palladium in the Shorzha Dunite-Peridotite Massif of the Sevan Ophiolite Belt of Armenia

Looking for Noble and Rare Metals in Black Shale Formations of Armenia: the Primary Investigations

The Ore-Bearing Potential of Amphibolic Gabbro Rocks of Koghov Mountain (Southern Armenia)

Looking for the Tombs of Dragons: Preliminary Results of Archaeo-Geochemical Prospecting Studies At Tirinkatar - Karmir Sar Area, Southern Slopes of Mt Aragats, Armenia

Geoarchaeological Investigations in Artanish Peninsula, Armenia: Testing a New Geochemical Prospecting Method for Archaeology

Prehistoric Gold from Lake Sevan Basin? New Research on Armenian Gold Deposits and Objects

Tricky Technology of Making Silver Seed Beads in the Early Bronze Age, NW Caucasus

Urartian Red Burnished Ware in Local Context: An Archaeometric Study of the Assemblage from Metsamor (Armenia, South Caucasus)

Palynological Study of Archaeometallurgical Artefacts from the Late Bronze Age Copper Smelting Sites (Georgia): First Results

Genome-Wide Analysis of a Collective Grave from Mentesh Tepe Provides Insight Into the Population Structure of Early Neolithic Population in the South Caucasus

Diagnostics Based on the Juxta Morphology Reveals a New Species of Tischeria zeller (Lepidoptera, Tischeriidae) from the Caucasus

The First Attempt to Assess the Taxonomic Diversity of the Nepticulidae of Armenia Resulted in the Discovery of New Species and Cryptic Taxa in the Caucasus

Genome-Wide Association Study of Milk Composition in Karachai Goats

Recent Observations of Some Rare Breeding Birds in Armenia

The First Breeding Records of Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola and Savi's Warbler Locustella luscinioides in Armenia

The First Long-Tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis in Armenia