Maps and layers online as part of Caucasus Regional Research Agenda illustrations
Maps and layers as part of Caucasus Regional Research Agenda illustrations are online on the following platform:
The Geonode instance has been developed in the frame of the “Supporting Sustainable Mountain Development in the Caucasus (Sustainable Caucasus)” project, funded by the Swiss national Science Foundation and the Swiss agency for Development and Cooperation under the SCOPES program, and coordinated by the University of Geneva. This Geonode aims at publishing and sharing relevant geographic data for the project. Some capacity building materials about GeoNode has been developed and adapted with the Caucasus examples.
The Caucasus Spatial Data Infrastructure (C-SDI) GeoNode established for the purpose of increasing the accesses to open source spatial data about the region. The number of layers and maps available under the GeoNode increase by 10 percent and the process of the platform population will continue further.