French National Center for Scientific Research

Status: Research Institute

Abbreviation: CNRS


Address 3 Rue Michel Ange, 75016, Paris, France,

Contact Person Antoine Petit ( President ), ( )

Department Trajectories Laboratoire ProCauLAC


Caroline Hamon Bertille Lyonnet Nicolas Gailhard Jacques Elie Brochier

Gadachrili Gora: Architecture and organisation of a Neolithic settlement in the middle Kura Valley (6th millennium BC, Georgia)
Neolithic water management and flooding in the Lesser Caucasus (Georgia)
Salt mining tools and techniques from Duzdaği (Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan) in the 5th to 3rd millennium B.C.
Mentesh Tepe, an early settlement of the Shomu-Shulaveri Culture in Azerbaijan
Base level changes, river avulsions and Holocene human settlement dynamics in the Caspian Sea area (middle Kura valley, South Caucasus)
Geomorphic response and 14C chronology of base-level changes induced by Late Quaternary Caspian Sea mobility (middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan)
The Early Bronze Age in Azerbaijan in the light of recent discoveries
Recent discoveries on the Neolithic and Chalcolithic of Western Azerbaijan
Late Chalcolithic kurgans in Transcaucasia. The cemetery of Soyuq Bulaq (Azerbaijan)
Vegetation and plant exploitation at Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan), 6th–3rd millennium BC initial results of the archaeobotanical study
The Origins of Millet Cultivation in the South Caucasus: Archaeological and Archaeometric Approaches
New Insights Into the Neolithic Architecture of the Southern Caucasus: a Micromorphological Case-Study from Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan)
Archaeometallurgical Investigations in Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan: What Does the Evidence from Late Chalcolithic Ovçular Tepesi Tell Us about the Beginning of Extractive Metallurgy?
Copper Minning Community in Transcaucasia during Chalcolithic and Bronze Ages
Kites on the margins. The Aragats kites in Armenia
Hunting or pastoralism? Comments on “seasonal use of corrals and game traps (desert kites) in Armenia” by Malkinson et al
Unity and diversity of the kite phenomenon: A comparative study between Jordan, Armenia and Kazakhstan