Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Status: Academy of Sciences
Abbreviation: ANAS
Phone 492-35-29; 492-56-99
Address Az1001, 30, Istiglaliyyat str., Baku, Azerbaijan,
Contact Person Akif Aga Mehdi oglu Alizade (), ( )
Department Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Institute of Geography Institute of Information Technology Institute of Geology and Geophysics Republican Seismic Survey Center
G. Sh Mamedov Rovshan Karimov Stara Tarikhazer Nariman Pashayev Ramiz Mammadov E. N. Tagieva Tamilla Bayramova Budag Budagov Ulviyya Mammadova Gulam Babayev Ibrahim Guliyev Farhad Guliyev M. A. Abduev Aferin Gasanova Tahir Karimov T. S. Mammadov Vilayat Hasanov Maharram Babayev Naila Orucova Tahir Yadigar Mammadli Gurban Yetirmishli Samir Mammadov Talat Kangarli Akper Feyzullayev Abdulvahab Sharif Mukhtarov Malahat Afandiyeva Sadig Hasanov Konul Bakhshaliyeva Farah Mahmudova Gasan Nabiyev Fakhraddin Abulfat Kadirov Elton Mammadov Amin Ismayilov Kh. R. Ismatova Nigar Mursal Nazim Abdullayev Rashid Javanshir Parvin Aghayeva Arzu Farman Mammadov Zakir Aliyev Elgun Mustafabeyli Dilzara Aghayeva Anar Valiyev Sabina Kazimova L. F. Mirzazade R. Kh. Haydarova Rashid Fataliyev Ilgar Mustafayev Gulnar Hajiyeva Amina Rakida Adalat Hasanov Kenan Abbasov Gultekin Babayeva Najaf Museibli Simuzer Mamedova Nazmin Jafarova Tofig Rashidov Tariverdi Islamzade Gunay Mammadova Zaur Imrani Gunesh Agakishiyeva Aida Ibrahimova Yusif Abiyev Sayyara Ibadullayeva Kamala Asadova
Agroecological Evaluation of Soils Suitable for Viniculture on the Southeastern Macroslope of the Great Caucasus (Azerbaijan)
Ecology Evaluation of Vineyard Soils Under the Condition of Ganja-Gazakh and Mountainous Shirvan Zone of Azerbaijan
About Eco-Ethical Problems of Azerbaijan Republic
Ecological Assessment of Soils in High-Mountain Landscapes of Northeastern Part of the Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan)
Prerequisites for Addressing the Development of Soil Erosion in Sloping Lands of Azerbaijan
Development of Non-Oil Sector in Azerbaijan: Tendencies and Opportunities
Study of profitability of organization of tourism routes (on the example of Sheki-Zagatala economic region of Azerbaijan)
Azerbaijan: transition to clean energy in the condition of climate changes
Dynamics of Strengthening of Mudflow Risk in Mountain Regions and Their Impact on Natural and Economic Systems (on Example of the Azerbaijan Part of the Greater Caucasus) (In Russian)
Quantitative Assessment of Mudflow Risk in the Greater Caucasus of Azerbaijan (on the Example of the Northeastern Slope)
Assessment of Ecological-Geomorphological Strength and Risk of Geosystems of the North-Eastern Slope of the Great Caucasus (Within Azerbaijan)
Risks of Sustainable Environmental Management for the Purpose of Developing Regional Tourism (on the Example of the Lankaran Natural Region)
Landscape-Geomorphological Factors of the Development of Mudflow Centres in the Goychay River Basin
Application of Quantitative Methods for the Assessment of Landslide Susceptibility of the Aghsuchay River Basin
Natural and Anthropogenic Factors in Hazard Assesment of the Alpine–Himalayan Montane Ecosystems (At the Example of the Azerbaijan Caucasus)
Intensity of Landslips in Mountain Geosystems of Azerbaijan and Its Estimation
The Assessment of Landscape and Environmental Risks and Hazards Caused By Landslides in Mountain Areas
Economic and geographical investigation of influence of landslips on distribution of population in Azerbaijan Republic
Landscape planning in the Transcaucasia
Piloting Landscape Planning in the Countries of the Southern Caucasus
Impact of Climate Changes on the Caspian Sea Level
Assessment of anthropogenic loads on landscapes as a tool to determine the potential for sustainable regional development: case study from Azerbaijan
Problems of influence of socio-economic dangers and risks on the sustainable development of Azerbaijan regions
Current changes of the atmospheric precipitation regime on the territory of Azerbaijan
Degradation of the Vegetation Cover As Exemplified By the Arid Foothill Areas of the Greater Caucasus Within Azerbaijan
Transformation of vegetation cover on the territory of Azerbaijan during the Pleistocene
Program engineering, development stages, problems, and perspectives in Azerbaijan
Problems of influence of socio-economic dangers and risks on the sustainable development of Azerbaijan regions
Problems of balanced development of the ecodynamical intense of mountain geosystems of the Azerbaijan part of the Great Caucasus
Russian factor in development of Azerbaijan Science
Morphostructures of Azerbaijan: formation and differentiation
Ecological estimation of forest soils in Azerbaijan
Spectral and Informational Analysis of Seismicity: An Application to the 1996-2012 Seismicity of the Northern Caucasus-Azerbaijan Part of the Greater Caucasus-Kopet Dag Region
Temporal clustering of the seismicity of the Absheron-Prebalkhan region in the Caspian Sea area
Evaluation of earthquake-induced strain in promoting mud eruptions: The case of Shamakhi-Gobustan-Absheron areas, Azerbaijan
Site Specific Ground Motion Modeling and Seismic Response Analysis for Microzonation of Baku, Azerbaijan
Strong motion scenario of 25th November 2000 earthquake for Absheron peninsula (Azerbaijan)
Scenario-based earthquake hazard and risk assessment for Baku (Azerbaijan)
Seismic zoning of the southern slope of Greater Caucasus from the fractal parameters of the earthquakes, stress state, and GPS velocities
Active Stress Field and Fault Kinematics of the Greater Caucasus
Stress Field Pattern in the Northeastern Part of Azerbaijan
Analysis of horizontal to vertical spectra of microseisms for Baku city
Microtremor Survey and Spectral Analyses of H/V Ratio for Baku City (Azerbaijan)
Seismic Hazard Analysis for Southern Slope of the Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan)
Analysis of the relationship between water level temporal changes and seismicity in the Mingechevir reservoir (Azerbaijan)
Dynamic triggering of mud volcanos in Azerbaijan by Caspian earthquakes
Seismic B-Value Study in Southern Slope of Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan)
Sedimentary Response to a Collision Orogeny Recorded in Detrital Zircon Provenance of Greater Caucasus Foreland Basin Sediments
Active tectonics of the Azerbaijan: Deduced from geodesic, gravimetric and seismicity data
Fluids of mud volcanoes in the Southern Caspian sedimentary basin: Geochemistry and sources in light of new data on the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen isotopic compositions
When Mud Volcanoes Sleep: Insight from Seep Geochemistry At the Dashgil Mud Volcano, Azerbaijan
GPS- Based Crustal Deformations in Azerbaijan and Their Influence on Seismicity and Mud Volcanism
Geochemical Characteristics of Organic Matter from Maikop Rocks of Eastern Azerbaijan
Source potential of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic rocks in the South Caspian Basin and their role in forming the oil accumulations in the Lower Pliocene reservoirs
Temperature Evolution in the Lokbatan Mud Volcano Crater (Azerbaijan) after the Eruption of 25 October 2001
Deep Structure Model and Dynamics of Mud Volcanoes, Southwest Absheron Peninsula (Azerbaijan)
GPS-based crustal deformations in Azerbaijan and their influence on seismicity and mud volcanism
Mud Volcanism in Azerbaijan
Subsidence History and Basin-fill Evolution in the South Caspian Basin from Geophysical Mapping, Flexural Backstripping, Forward Lithospheric Modelling and Gravity Modelling
Active Geodynamics of the Caucasus Region: Implications for Earthquake Hazards in Azerbaijan
Neolithic Residential Patterns in the Southern Caucasus: Radiocarbon Analysis of Rebuilding Cycles of Mudbrick Architecture At Göytepe, West Azerbaijan
Chronological Contexts of the Earliest Pottery Neolithic in the South Caucasus: Radiocarbon Dates for Goytepe and Haci Elamxanli Tepe, Azerbaijan
Excavations At the Neolithic Settlement of Göytepe, the Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan, 2008-2009
Excavations At the Neolithic Settlement of Göytepe, West Azerbaijan, 2010-2011
Mentesh Tepe, an early settlement of the Shomu-Shulaveri Culture in Azerbaijan
Recent discoveries on the Neolithic and Chalcolithic of Western Azerbaijan
Investigating Early Husbandry Strategies in the Southern Caucasus: Intra-tooth Sequential Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Neolithic Goats, Sheep, and Cattle from Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe
Radiocarbon Chronology of the Mesolithic-Neolithic Sequence At Damjili Cave, Azerbaijan, Southern Caucasus
Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Ancient Domestic Goats in the Southern Caucasus: a Preliminary Result from Neolithic Settlements At Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe
Chipped Stone Technology of the Earliest Agricultural Village in the Southern Caucasus: Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe (the Beginning of the 6 th Millennium BC)
Investigating Cultural and Socioeconomic Change At the Beginning of the Pottery Neolithic in the Southern Caucasus: The 2013 Excavations At Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
New Data and Perspectives on the Early Stages of the Neolithic in the Middle Kura River Valley (South Caucasus). the 2017–2019 Excavations At Kiçik Tepe, Western Azerbaijan
Genome-Wide Analysis of a Collective Grave from Mentesh Tepe Provides Insight Into the Population Structure of Early Neolithic Population in the South Caucasus
Regularities of regional distribution of the ion runoff modulus of Azerbaijan mountain rivers
Methodological aspects of computation of average long-term ionic runoff of mountain rivers (by the example of Azerbaijan)
Ecological evaluation of rangeland quality in dry subtropics of Azerbaijan
Diet Composition of Four Vulture Species in Azerbaijan
The Status of Vultures Neophron percnopterus, Gypaetus barbatus, Gyps fulvus, Aegypius monachus (Accipitriformes) in Azerbaijan
The Ecological Role of Accipitridae Vultures in Terrestrial Landscapes of Azerbaijan
Roles of Necrophage Predator Birds in Natural and Antropogenic Ecosystems
Main Limiting Factors Affecting Biological Parameters of Necrophage Birds
The Contribution of Avian Scavengers to Sanitation in Azerbaijan Territory
Limiting Factors Affecting Reproductive and Demographic Indicators of Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus)
Climate Change Impacts on Azerbaijan Biodiversity in the Caspian Sea
Ecological-genetically peculiarities and diagnostics of the cultivated urban soils in the Central Botanical Garden of NAS of Azerbaijan
Modern Azerbaijani soil classification system
Modern Azerbaijani soil classification system
Main Types of Soil Degradation in the Kura-Aras Lowland of Azerbaijan
Erosion resistance of irrigated soils in the republic of Azerbaijan
Application of activated sludge to purify urban soils of Baku city from oil contamination
Biodiagnostic and Nomenclature Anthropogenic Soils of Azerbaijan
Assessment of the biological activity of soils in the subtropical zone of Azerbaijan
Soil Organic Carbon Prediction by Vis-NIR Spectroscopy: Case Study the Kur-Aras Plain, Azerbaijan
Biodiagnostic and Nomenclature Anthropogenic Soils of Azerbaijan
Assessment of the biological activity of soils in the subtropical zone of Azerbaijan
Microbiological characteristics of different types of irrigated soils in the subtropical zone of Azerbaijan
Transverse Faults of the Eastern Caucasus and Their Manifestations in Seismicity
Seismotectonics oil and gas areas in lower Kura depression of Azerbaijan
Manifestation Features of Landslide Process Around the Mingachevir Reservoir (2014)
Features of seismcity of Azerbaijan part of the Greater Caucasus
Features of Bayil landslide of Baku city in 2011
Revelation of Potentially Seismic Dangerous Tectonic Structures in a View of Modern Geodynamics of the Eastern Caucasus (Azerbaijan)
Seismotectonics oil and gas areas in lower Kura depression of Azerbaijan
The strong earthquakes occured in Azerbaijan region in 2014
Manifestation Features of Landslide Process Around the Mingachevir Reservoir (2014)
One-dimensional velocity model of the Middle Kura Depresion from local earthquakes data of Azerbaijan
Features of seismcity of Azerbaijan part of the Greater Caucasus
Focal parameters of the Zagatala earthquake on may 2012
Identification of the stress state and seismic hazard assessment for the territory of Azerbaijan and the border regions of the Caucasus and the Caspian sea
Strong Earthquakes on the territory of Azerbaijan in 2015
Features of Bayil landslide of Baku city in 2011
Focal Mechanisms of Earthquakes and Stress Field of the Earth Crust in Azerbaijan
Results of 2010-2016 Azerbaijan seismicity data analysis using seismological and topological statistical methods
Recent Geodynamics, Active Faults and Earthquake Focal Mechanisms of the Zone of Pseudosubduction Interaction Between the Northern and Southern Caucasus Microplates in the Southern Slope of the Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan)
Stress Field Pattern in the Northeastern Part of Azerbaijan
Joint Use of Seismological and Topological Statistical Methods for the Analysis of 2010–2016 Azerbaijan Seismicity
Analysis of the relationship between water level temporal changes and seismicity in the Mingechevir reservoir (Azerbaijan)
Seismic zoning of the southern slope of Greater Caucasus from the fractal parameters of the earthquakes, stress state, and GPS velocities
Some new data on modern tectonic deformation and active faulting in Azerbaijan (according to Global Positioning System Measurements)
GPS- Based Crustal Deformations in Azerbaijan and Their Influence on Seismicity and Mud Volcanism
Microtremor Survey and Spectral Analyses of H/V Ratio for Baku City (Azerbaijan)
Recent Geodynamics, Active Faults and Earthquake Focal Mechanisms of the Zone of Pseudosubduction Interaction Between the Northern and Southern Caucasus Microplates in the Southern Slope of the Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan)
Cenozoic-Recent tectonics and uplift in the Greater Caucasus: a perspective from Azerbaijan
Structural Geometries and Magnitude of Shortening in the Eastern Kura Fold-thrust Belt, Azerbaijan: Implications for the Development of the Greater Caucasus Mountains
Feasibility Study of the Ilandagh Geopark Creation in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (Azerbaijan)
Revelation of Potentially Seismic Dangerous Tectonic Structures in a View of Modern Geodynamics of the Eastern Caucasus (Azerbaijan)
Comparative Characteristics of Composition and Radioactivity of Oligocene Clays in the Greater Caucasus and Talysh
Tectono-geophysical model of the Southern Caspian in the context of the presence of oil and gas
On the origin of hydrocarbons in the main Lower Pliocene reservoirs of the South Caspian Basin, Azerbaijan
GPS- Based Crustal Deformations in Azerbaijan and Their Influence on Seismicity and Mud Volcanism
Environmental Consequences of Long-Term Development of Petroleum Fields, Absheron p-la, Azerbaijan, Case History
The role of pressure in thermocatalytic processes in the sedimentary complex of the South Caspian basin
Geochemical Characteristics of Organic Matter from Maikop Rocks of Eastern Azerbaijan
Source potential of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic rocks in the South Caspian Basin and their role in forming the oil accumulations in the Lower Pliocene reservoirs
Temperature Evolution in the Lokbatan Mud Volcano Crater (Azerbaijan) after the Eruption of 25 October 2001
Deep Structure Model and Dynamics of Mud Volcanoes, Southwest Absheron Peninsula (Azerbaijan)
Petroleum Content and Mud Volcanism in the Po (Italy) and South Caspian (Azerbaijan) Basins: Differences and Their Possible Origins
Occurrence and nature of overpressure in the sedimentary section of the South Caspian Basin, Azerbaijan
The nature of the isotopically heavy carbon of carbon dioxide and bicarbonates in the waters of mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan
About retardation of a physicochemical processes in overpressured sediments, South-Caspian basin, Azerbaijan
Organic matter maturity and clay mineral transformations in overpressured formations: Comparison histories from two zones of the South Caspian Basin
Mud volcanoes in the South Caspian basin: Nature and estimated depth of its products
Radiostratigraphic study of the deposits of the Maikop Group, Western Azerbaijan
Deep Gases Discharged from Mud Volcanoes of Azerbaijan: New Geochemical Evidence
Oil source rocks and geochemistry of hydrocarbons in South Caspian basin
Stratigraphy and geochemical characterization of the Oligocene–Miocene Maikop series: Implications for the paleogeography of Eastern Azerbaijan
GPS-based crustal deformations in Azerbaijan and their influence on seismicity and mud volcanism
Mantle VS. Crustal Fluid Sources in the Gas Discharges from Lesser Caucasus and Talysh Mountains (Azerbaijan) in Relation to the Regional Geotectonic Setting
Temperature Evolution in the Lokbatan Mud Volcano Crater (Azerbaijan) after the Eruption of 25 October 2001
Geological conditions and business opportunities for geothermal energy development in Azerbaijan
Reconstruction of the Surface Temperature in the Kura Depression (Azerbaijan) By the Inversion of Borehole Data
On the Use of Geothermal Data to Study Paleoclimate in Azerbaijan
Radiostratigraphic study of the deposits of the Maikop Group, Western Azerbaijan
Anoxia in waters of the Maikop paleobasin (Tethys Ocean, Azeri sector), with implications for the modern Caspian Sea
Stratigraphy and geochemical characterization of the Oligocene–Miocene Maikop series: Implications for the paleogeography of Eastern Azerbaijan
The General Characteristic of Anamorphic Fungi Spread In Azerbaijan
Ecophysiological Features of Toxigenic Fungi Prevalent in Different Biotopes of Azerbaijan
Formation characteristics of the Mudflow process in Azerbaijan and the division into districts of territory based on risk level (on the example of the Greater Caucasus)
Spectral and Informational Analysis of Seismicity: An Application to the 1996-2012 Seismicity of the Northern Caucasus-Azerbaijan Part of the Greater Caucasus-Kopet Dag Region
Kinematics of the eastern Caucasus near Baku, Azerbaijan
Application of the Hartley transform for interpretation of gravity anomalies in the Shamakhy–Gobustan and Absheron oil- and gas-bearing regions, Azerbaijan
Statistical analysis of the 2003–2016 seismicity of Azerbaijan and surrounding areas
Active Geodynamics of the Caucasus Region: Implications for Earthquake Hazards in Azerbaijan
A gravity model of the deep structure of South Caspian Basin along submeridional profile Alborz–Absheron Sill
Temporal clustering of the seismicity of the Absheron-Prebalkhan region in the Caspian Sea area
Evaluation of earthquake-induced strain in promoting mud eruptions: The case of Shamakhi-Gobustan-Absheron areas, Azerbaijan
Active tectonics of the Azerbaijan: Deduced from geodesic, gravimetric and seismicity data
Geophysical Fields, Deep Structure, and Dynamics of the Lokbatan Mud Volcano
Seismic zoning of the southern slope of Greater Caucasus from the fractal parameters of the earthquakes, stress state, and GPS velocities
Results of 2010-2016 Azerbaijan seismicity data analysis using seismological and topological statistical methods
Recent Geodynamics, Active Faults and Earthquake Focal Mechanisms of the Zone of Pseudosubduction Interaction Between the Northern and Southern Caucasus Microplates in the Southern Slope of the Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan)
Tectono-geophysical model of the Southern Caspian in the context of the presence of oil and gas
GPS- Based Crustal Deformations in Azerbaijan and Their Influence on Seismicity and Mud Volcanism
Temperature Evolution in the Lokbatan Mud Volcano Crater (Azerbaijan) after the Eruption of 25 October 2001
Deep Structure Model and Dynamics of Mud Volcanoes, Southwest Absheron Peninsula (Azerbaijan)
Reconstruction of the Surface Temperature in the Kura Depression (Azerbaijan) By the Inversion of Borehole Data
Analysis of the relationship between water level temporal changes and seismicity in the Mingechevir reservoir (Azerbaijan)
Dynamic triggering of mud volcanos in Azerbaijan by Caspian earthquakes
Subsidence History and Basin-fill Evolution in the South Caspian Basin from Geophysical Mapping, Flexural Backstripping, Forward Lithospheric Modelling and Gravity Modelling
Sedimentary Response to a Collision Orogeny Recorded in Detrital Zircon Provenance of Greater Caucasus Foreland Basin Sediments
Application of Advanced Processing of the Remote Sensing Data on Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Zangilan, East Zangezur
Visible and Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy for Assessment of Soil Properties in the Caucasus Mountains, Azerbaijan
Soil Organic Carbon Prediction by Vis-NIR Spectroscopy: Case Study the Kur-Aras Plain, Azerbaijan
Residues of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Agricultural Soils Adjacent to Historical Sources of Their Storage and Distribution-The Case Study of Azerbaijan
Estimation and Mapping of Surface Soil Properties in the Caucasus Mountains, Azerbaijan Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data
Determination of Mehlich 3 Extractable Elements With Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy in a Mountainous Agricultural Land, the Caucasus Mountains
Predicting Soil Properties for Agricultural Land in the Caucasus Mountains Using Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy
Soil Organic Carbon Prediction by Vis-NIR Spectroscopy: Case Study the Kur-Aras Plain, Azerbaijan
The correlation of Azerbaijan arid soils with WRB-2014
Investigation of Influence of Erosion Process on Widespread Mountainous Cultivation Lands in the Slopes of Azerbaijan
Mathematical models of fertility for the soils of Azerbaijan
Aerospace Methods for Studying Soil Characteristics for Solving Agricultural Problems in Azerbaijan
Aerospace Methods for Studying Soil Characteristics for Solving Agricultural Problems in Azerbaijan
Population status and ecology of Platanthera chlorantha (Orchidaceae) in the Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan)
Studies on the botanical and ecological aspects of a rare species Ophrys caucasica from Azerbaijan (Orchidaceae)
Subsidence History and Basin-fill Evolution in the South Caspian Basin from Geophysical Mapping, Flexural Backstripping, Forward Lithospheric Modelling and Gravity Modelling
Seismic Stratigraphy of the Upper Pliocene and Quaternary Deposits in the South Caspian Basin
Validation of Lateral Fluid Flow in An Overpressured Sand-shale Sequence During Development of Azeri-chirag-gunashli Oil Field and Shah Deniz Gas Field: South Caspian Basin, Azerbaijan
Distribution and Volume of Rocks in Sedimentary Basins -Unusual Case of the South Caspian Basin
Validation of Lateral Fluid Flow in An Overpressured Sand-shale Sequence During Development of Azeri-chirag-gunashli Oil Field and Shah Deniz Gas Field: South Caspian Basin, Azerbaijan
DNA Barcoding of Native Caucasus Herbal Plants: Potentials and Limitations in Complex Groups and Implications for Phylogeographic Patterns
Bird Collisions With Power Lines in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic
Great Spotted Cuckoo Clamator glandarius, a New Species for Azerbaijan and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic
The Bats Chiroptera Fauna of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic: the Role in Ecosystem and in Spreading of Some Diseases
The Status of Vultures Neophron percnopterus, Gypaetus barbatus, Gyps fulvus, Aegypius monachus (Accipitriformes) in Azerbaijan
Birdwatching Nakhchivan in Azerbaijan
Study of the Soil-Ecological State of the Soils of the Objects of Study on the Example of the Foothill Zones of Azerbaijan in the Lesser Caucasus Under Various Crops
Agricultural Production Characteristics of Soils in the South Slope of the Great Caucasus on the Example of the Sheki District of Azerbaijan
Assessment of the State of Water and Land Resources in Azerbaijan
Agro-Production Soil Quality Index Assessment for Fields With Biology Indicator in Sheki-Zagatala Region, Azerbaijan
Innovative Study of Saline Soils in Salyan and Neftchala Districts
Impact of Irrigation Erosion on the Agrochemical Properties of Mountain-Brown Soils and the Productivity of Cereals and Legumes
Relno Situation Foreign Economic Relations and Geopolitical Perspective Azerbaijan
Application of Comprehensive Measures to Combat Erosion Using Irrigation for Market Economy in Azerbaijan
Solution of a Complex of Problems of Operational Planning and Management in the Conditions of a Mining Landmark in Azerbaijan
Scientific Rationale for the Use of Low-Intensity Sprinkling Systems in Mountain Irrigated Agriculture in Azerbaijan
Prerequisites for Addressing the Development of Soil Erosion in Sloping Lands of Azerbaijan
Prerequisites for the Moisture Supply of Agricultural Land to Achieve Ecological Pure Crops in Azerbaijan
Modern Vacation of Economic Development Indicators of Caspian Regions in Azerbaijan
Spatial Analysis of Data on the Basis of the Digital Model of Relief and Locality (Example of Shemakha, Akhsu and Ismayilli Districts)
Importance of Application of Low-Intensity Irrigation Systems As a Protection Against Erosion in Irrigated Agricultural Lands in Azerbaijan in a Market Economy
Agro-Production Assessment of Land Cover in Beylagan Region on the Example of Birinci Shahsevan Village
Rehabilitation of Ecologically Polluted Areas in the Absheron Peninsula, Use of the Area Under Greenery
Problems of Soil Erosion Hazard of Southern Slopes of Azerbaijan and Ways of Its Solution
Study of Parameters and Reliability of the Minortress Irrigation System for Work in the Conditions of Mining Farming in Azerbaijan
Aerospace Methods for Studying Soil Characteristics for Solving Agricultural Problems in Azerbaijan
Research Methodology for Determining the Economic Efficiency of Using Low-Intensity Irrigation Systems in Mountain Farming in Azerbaijan
Modern Technical Tools and Methods for Effective Measurement of Soil Moisture Parameters in Agricultural Production for Obtaining Ecologically Safe Products in Azerbaijan
Evaluation of Agro-Industrial Characteristics of Beylagan Region's Land Cover on the Example of 1st Shahsevan Village of Beylagan Region
New for Azerbaijan Records of Agaricoid Fungi Collected in Shaki District
Diversity of Fungi Occurring in the Bark of Castanea sativa in Azerbaijan
New Records of Mushrooms for the Mycobiota of Azerbaijan
Mushroom Diversity in Shaki District of Azerbaijan
Diversity of Fungi Occurring in the Bark of Castanea sativa in Azerbaijan
New Records of Mushrooms for the Mycobiota of Azerbaijan
Mushroom Diversity in Shaki District of Azerbaijan
Overview to the Genus Phyllactinia from Azerbaijan
Low Genetic Diversity But Frequent Sexual Reproduction of the Chestnut Blight Fungus Cryphonectria parasitica in Azerbaijan
Mycobiota of Castanea sativa Mill. in Azerbaijan
Two New Ophiostoma Species With Sporothrix Anamorphs from Austria and Azerbaijan
First Report of Armillaria mellea on Quercus spp. in Azerbaijan
The Practice and Importance of Chestnut Cultivation in Azerbaijan in the Face of Blight, Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill) Barr
Geological Setting and Ore Perspective of the New Discovered Gadir Low Sulfidation Epithermal Deposit, Gedabek NW Flank, Lesser Caucasus, Azerbaijan
Petro-Geochemical Features of the Bajocian Island-Arc Volcanism in the Lesser Caucasus (Azerbaijan)
Prospects of Newly Discovered Ugur Area in the Northwest of the Gedabey Ore District (Lesser Caucasus, Azerbaijan)
Single-Station Polarization Analysis According to the Zagatala Earthquake on May 7, 2012
Revelation of Potentially Seismic Dangerous Tectonic Structures in a View of Modern Geodynamics of the Eastern Caucasus (Azerbaijan)
Political and Socio-Economic Problems of the Republic of Ingushetia
Studies of the Possibilities of Using Organic Waste to Increase Soil Productivity for Grain Crops in the Conditions of Sheki-Zagatala Zone of Azerbaijan
Geological and Geochemical Characterization of the Kelbadjar (Kechaldag) Obsidian Source in Azerbaijan, Lesser Caucasus
The New Evidence of Fossil Lesser White-Fronted Goose in the Late Pleistocene Sediments of Binagada Asphalt Lake, Azerbaijan
Ecological Problems Associated With Land Cover in the Great Caucasus and Important Aspects for Efficient Use
Structural-Genetic Characteristics of Landscapes of the Southeastern Slope of the Great Caucasus and Study of Their Modern State
Analysis of Morphological and Pomological Features of Apricot in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan
Investigation of Variability of Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) Using Morphological, Pomological Traits and Microsatellite Markers
Assessment of the Deep Oil and Gas Bearing Potential Onshore in the West of Azerbaijan (Tarsdallar Area)
Geochemical Characteristics of the Gadabay Intrusion Complex in the Study of Magma Evolution and Tectonic Pattern of the Region (Lesser Caucasus, Azerbaijan Territory)
Petrological-Mineralogical Evolutional Transformation of Cretaceous Teschenite-Tephrite, Syenite-trachyte, and Essexite-Trachybasalt Primary Meltings (Carpathian, Caucasian and North Transbaikal Regions)
Petrogenesis of the Late Cenozoic Collision Volcanism in the Central Part of the Lesser Caucasus (Azerbaijan)
Gabala Kurgans in the Context of Contacts in the Caucasus in the Early Bronze Age
About the Issue of Historical Roots of the State of Albania
Historical Origins of Ancient Albanians’ Religious Beliefs Prior to Christianity
Monuments of Antiquity in Aghstafa
The Galayeri Settlement: Late Chalcolithic Traditions of Eastern Anatolia and the Caucasus
Metallurgical Developments in Azerbaijan from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age
Potter’s Marks on Leilatepe Culture Pottery: Eastern Anatolian Chalcolithic Traditions in the Caucasus
Cryptosporidium spp. Infections in Livestock and Wild Animals in Azerbaijan Territory
Cryptosporidium spp. and Eimeria spp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriorina) of Freshwater Cyprinid Fish Species in the Kura River Basin in Azerbaijan Territory
Intestinal Coccidia (Eucoccidia, Sporozoa, Apicomplexa) of Some Amphibia in Azerbaijan
Cryptosporidium spp. Infections in Livestock and Wild Animals in Azerbaijan Territory †
The Knowledge Society and Museums: the Museum of the History of Science in Azerbaijan
Knowledge Society in Azerbaijan and Museums: Development Prospects
UNESCO Creative Cities Network and Development Prospects of Knowledge Society and Tourism in Azerbaijan (in the Context of Museology)
Cultural Tourism As An Important Component of Economic Development of the State
Morphostructural Factors of Oil-and-Gas Content of Mud Volcanic Edifices in Azerbaijan As in the Case of Gobustan and the Adjacent Territories South-Caspian Basin
Feasibility Study of the Ilandagh Geopark Creation in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (Azerbaijan)
Soil Fertility Status, Productivity Challenges, and Solutions in Rice Farming Landscapes of Azerbaijan
Impacts of Irrigation With Cd-contaminated Water from Sugovushan Reservoir, Azerbaijan on Total Cadmium and Its Fractions in Soils With Varied Textures
Determination of Main Properties and Fertility Capacity of Soils Under Hazelnut Cultivation in Azerbaijan
The Main Characteristics of the Application of Perennial Herbs and Mineral Fertilizers in Increasing the Fertility of Eroded Gray-Brown Soils in the Mountainous Shirvan
Sustainable Development of the Tourism Industry in Azerbaijan
Ethnos With Turkish Ancestry in the Toponymic Background of the Territory of Azerbaijan
A Study of Caves and Their Speleotourism Potential in Azerbaijan
Regionalization of Resort-Recreational Zones of Azerbaijan and Possibilities of Using Them. Studios Case: Gusar Tourism-Recreational Zone
Opportunities and Prospects for the Development of Speleotourism in Azerbaijan
The Main Directions of Sustainable Socio-Economic Development of the Caspian Littoral Areas of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Existing Environmental Problems
Research of Eco-Geographical Situation of Lankaran Physical-Geographical Region and Grouping of Ecologically Tense Zones
Designing Industrial Zones and Ecological Problems in the Guba District of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Methodological Basis of Zoning of Tourism-Recreation Reserves and Tourism Potential of Gusar Region of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Socio-Economic Problems of the Development of Tourist and Recreational Complexes in Azerbaijan
Contemporary Situation and Development Directions of the Cultural Tourism in the Mountainous Areas of Azerbaijan
Morphological Characteristics of Seed of the Endangered Species of Diospyros lotus (Ebenaceae) in Azerbaijan
Distribution Pattern of Threatened Plants in Qakh District (Azerbaijan): Environmental Factors Affecting and Prediction of the Potential Distribution
Wild Food Plants of Qakh District of Azerbaijan, the Southeastern Caucasus: Diversity and Distribution Pattern Along An Elevation Gradient
Assessment of the Forest Productivity According to Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Samur-Yalama National Park of Azerbaijan
Analysis of the Forest Covers Dynamics in the Samur-Yalama National Park of Azerbaijan
Special Protected Natural Areas of Karabakh Released from Occupation
Geobotanical Zoning of Karabakh and East Zangezur
Geobotanical Zoning of Karabakh and East Zangezur
Rare and Endangered Species of Shahdag National Park (Azerbaijan) With Special Status
Ethnopharmacological Use of Wild Vegetable Plants Belonging to the Polygonaceae Juss. Family Spread in the Azerbaijan Flora
Ethnobotanical Analysis of Karabakh
Immune Strengthener Plants in Azerbaijan Flora
Bioecological and Phytocenological Assessment of Equisetum arvense L. Populations in the Great Caucasus of Azerbaijan
Study of Lipid Composition of Oil Smyrniopsis Aucheri Boiss., Growing in Nakhchivan AR, Azerbaijan
Distribution and Phytocenotic Characteristic of Сakile euxina Pobed. in the Coastal Part of Azerbaijan (South Caucasus)
Pteridophytes: Ethnobotanical Use and Active Chemical Composition
Economic Assessment of New Feed Crops Resources in Different Ecosystems of Lesser Caucasus (Within the Azerbaijan Republic)
Medico - Ethnobotanical Inventory (Liver and Gallbladder Ducts Illnesses) of Nakhchivan AR, Azerbaijan
Economic Benefits Species of the Introduced of Genus Malva L.
Etnobiological and Phytotherapeutic Analysis of Medicinal Herbs of Azerbaijan Flora Used At Cardiovascular Diseases Treatment
Rare Plants of Ganja-Gazakh Area of Azerbaijan and Their Protection
Arrangements for Analysis and Protection of Some Food and Economical Significance of Rare and Threatened Species in About of Absheron, Azerbaijan Republic
Use of Wild Plants At Dermatosis (Skin Deseases): Ethnobotany
Protection of Some Rare and Critically Threatened Medicinal Plants in the Azerbaijan Flora
Protection of Some Rare and Endangered Vegetable Plants in the Flora of the Nakhichevan AR
Medicinal Plants of Azerbaijan Flora Used in the Treatment of Certain Diseases
Distribution and Phytocenotic Characteristic of Сakile euxina Pobed. in the Coastal Part of Azerbaijan (South Caucasus)
Vegetation Cover of the Coastal Strip in the Neftchala District of Azerbaijan
Annual Saltworts Community of the Coastal Line Middle Part of Caspian Sea
Dynamics of Fodder Resources of the Most Important Fodder Plants of the Winter Pastures of North-Western Part of Azerbaijan