Call For Participation


After the success of the first and second Caucasus Summer Schools (CSS2016 and CSS 2021) it is our pleasure to announce and invite you to the Third Caucasus Summer School (CSS2023). The school will be the third in a series of Caucasus Summer Schools held from 2016 to 2023 by the Caucasus Network for Sustainable Development of Mountain Regions (Sustainable Caucasus) the coordination unit of the Scientific Network for the Caucasus Mountain Region (SNC-mt). The third school will be organised under the project Strengthening the Climate Adaptation Capacities in the South Caucasus (SCAC) supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). 

TOPIC: Natural Disaster Risk Assessment for Safe Mountain Tourism: Identification and Mapping

DURATION:    9 days  (including travel days)

DATES:    21-27 August 2023

THE LOCATION: Ozurgeti Tech Park


Third Summer School aims to give students knowledge about identifying and assessing the risks of mountain disasters and their causes; provide them with basic skills in disaster risk mapping; introduce the principles of disaster risk management (DRM); and integrate this knowledge into the expertise and requirements of safe mountain tourism in cooperation with the local population.

During the seven-day course, participants will learn: 

–    factors and classification of natural mountain disasters and their primary and long-term consequences; 
–    what is disaster risk and principles of disaster risk assessment; 
–    the basic principles of disaster risk management (DRM);
–    what researchers need to know about regional and local mountain tourism and how the local population is or could be involved; 
–    practical methods for mapping, planning and assessing the quality and safety of the tourist routes; 
–    how to perform the real-time monitoring and mapping of hazardous processes and disaster risks. 

The Caucasus Summer School is open to young researchers (masters, graduate and doctoral students) worldwide with a priority of participants from the countries of the Caucasus region. We would be very glad to see the participants of the second Caucasus Summer School (2021) and involve alumni of the first school as assistants and/or lecturers as appropriate. 

Participation will be limited to a maximum of 22-24 students.

Download the Call for Applications in PDF format here
Download the Application Form here 

Please send Application Forms to:


Submission deadline:                                June 15, 2023

Notification of application acceptance:      June 30 2023  

If you have any questions please contact Ana Abulashvili: or visit: