

Institutional Framework of the Economy Against Corruption in Georgia

Keywords: Corruption Institutions Institutional foundations of corruption Georgian economy
Title of journal: International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance
Year: 2017 Volume: 8 Pages: 198-201

Author: Tsotne Zhghenti,

Sharing Economy Platforms in Georgia: Digital Trust, Loyalty and Satisfaction

Keywords: Digital economy Digital trust Digital platforms Sharing economy Trust distribution
Title of journal: Marketing and Management of Innovations
Year: 2022 Volume: 2 Pages: 209-219

Author: Tsotne Zhghenti, Giorgi Gedenidze,

Consumer Characteristics of E-commerce Markets in Georgia

Keywords: E-commerce Digital Markets Digital Economy E-commerce in Georgia Consumer Characteristics in E-commerce
Title of journal: International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
Year: 2022 Volume: 7 Pages: 859-861

Author: Tsotne Zhghenti, Vakhtang Chkareuli,

How Are Businesses Adopting Circular Practices-Empirical Study on the Case of Georgia and Selected Eastern European Countries

Keywords: Circular business Circular economy Georgia CE business models EBRD-EIB-WBG enterprises survey
Title of journal: International Journal of Economical Sciences
Year: 2023 Volume: 1 Pages: 135-144

Author: Tsotne Zhghenti, Vakhtang Chkareuli, Valentín Molina-Moreno, Manuel Rios de Haro, Dzintra Atstaja,

The Evaluation of Benefits Using WCMS Platforms for SMEs in E-commerce (the Case of Georgia)

Keywords: Web content management system SME E-commerce
Title of journal: Journal of Economics and Business Issues
Year: 2023 Volume: 3 Pages: 01-08

Author: Lika Mikava, Tsotne Zhghenti,

The Role of Government to Create Effective Freedom - the Fundament for Economic Development

Keywords: Economic freedom Economic freedom index Economic growth Government
Title of journal: International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology
Year: 2017 Volume: 8 Pages: 293-298

Author: Vakhtang Chkareuli,