Phytoremediation of polluted soils in ecologically vulnerable areas of mining territories in RA Marz of Syunik
Organization Yerevan State University
Director: Hasmik Movsesyan
Country/countries of implementation: Armenia
Geographical coverage: local
Source: Ministry of Education and Science of RA
Start Date: 2015-11-12
End Date: 2017-10-12
Keywords Mining soil pollution heavy metals desertification soil remediation environmental impact Armenia
Mining branch of industry is one of the main sources of soil pollution with heavy metals causing the desertification of soils. Therefore, limiting the risks of mining areas impacted by heavy metal pollution has become a major global environmental issue. Soil remediation can reduce the contamination and preserve soil as a non-renewable natural resource. The project goal is the assessment of the ability of native wild plant species growing in RA marz of Syunik to accumulate heavy metals, the evaluation of their possible use in reduction of the environmental impact of mining discharges in marz of Syunik and to recommend the efficient ways of phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soils. We also pursue an aim to increase the phytoavailability of heavy metals in soil as well as to determine the enzymatic activity and microbial biomass of soil before and after the enhancement of phytoavailability and to compare results obtained for these main indicators of soil quality. Results of this project will facilitate more effective implementation of activities directed against soil degradation, will contribute to the prevention of inadmissible contamination of agricultural products and the protection of human health.
Participants Karen Ghazaryan Naira Ghazaryan , Hrant Khachatryan , Iskuhi Manukyan ,