Policies and laws search results for: Keywords "Protected Areas


The Law of the Republic of Armenia on Specially Protected Natural Areas

National name:: Հայաստանի Հանրապետության օրենքը հատուկ պահպանվող բնական տարածքների վերաբերյալ
Country: Armenia Govermental act: Order Legal status: law Year: 2006

Keywords: Sustainable development Restoration Conservation Use of ecosystems Nature complexes Protected Areas Armenia

Law of Georgia on the System of Protected Areas

National name:: საქართველოს კანონი დაცული ტერიტორიების სისტემის შესახებ
Country: Georgia Govermental act: Order Legal status: law Year: 1996

Keywords: Georgia Protected Areas Natural ecosystems landscapes Natural resources National Parks

The Forest Code of Georgia

National name:: საქართველოს ტყის კოდექსი
Country: Georgia Govermental act: Order Legal status: law Year: 1999

Keywords: The legislation of Georgia The System of Protected Areas Human rights and law enforcement