Yann Rolland
Keywords : Geology geochemistry Geomorphology
Country : France
Organization : University of Côte d'Azur
Department :
Email : yrolland@unice.fr
ResearchGate profile : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yann_Rolland/publications
Biography :
Y. Rolland completed his Ph. D. on Himalayan orogeny at Grenoble University France in 2000. His Ph. D. was a field-based study of the Karakoram-Ladakh regions in Pakistan and India. After, he worked for two years at the ANU Canberra as a research associate, where he studied fluid-rock interaction processes in shear zones. Since 2003, he was appointed ‘Maître de conférences’ at Géoazur – University of Nice (France), where he has taught structural geology and petrology and was leader of the team ‘Orogen Dynamics’. He is also a part-time scientist at the CNRS at ISTerre-Grenoble and editor at Journal of Geodynamics. His primary interest is the evolution of mountain belts, with emphasis on the relationship between geochronology and tectonics at all crustal levels. Particular study objects are the structure and tectonic evolution of the Alps, Caucasus, Tien Shan, Himalaya-Tibet and Antarctica.