Yann Rolland

Yann Rolland

Keywords : Geology geochemistry Geomorphology

Country : France

Organization : University of Côte d'Azur

Department :

Email : yrolland@unice.fr

ResearchGate profile : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yann_Rolland/publications

Biography :

Y. Rolland completed his Ph. D. on Himalayan orogeny at Grenoble University France in 2000. His Ph. D. was a field-based study of the Karakoram-Ladakh regions in Pakistan and India. After, he worked for two years at the ANU Canberra as a research associate, where he studied fluid-rock interaction processes in shear zones. Since 2003, he was appointed ‘Maître de conférences’ at Géoazur – University of Nice (France), where he has taught structural geology and petrology and was leader of the team ‘Orogen Dynamics’. He is also a part-time scientist at the CNRS at ISTerre-Grenoble and editor at Journal of Geodynamics. His primary interest is the evolution of mountain belts, with emphasis on the relationship between geochronology and tectonics at all crustal levels. Particular study objects are the structure and tectonic evolution of the Alps, Caucasus, Tien Shan, Himalaya-Tibet and Antarctica.


Caucasus collisional history: Review of data from East Anatolia to West Iran 2017 Gondwana Research

A Review of the Plate Convergence History of the East Anatolia-Transcaucasus Region During the Variscan: Insights from the Georgian Basement and Its Connection to the Eastern Pontides 2016 Journal of Geodynamics

Evidence for ∼80–75Ma subduction jump during Anatolide–Tauride–Armenian block accretion and ∼48Ma Arabia–Eurasia collision in Lesser Caucasus–East Anatolia 2012 Journal of Geodynamics

Prolonged Variscan to Alpine history of an active Eurasian margin (Georgia, Armenia) revealed by 40Ar/39Ar dating 2011 Gondwana Research

What is the lithological nature of subduction channels? Insights from fossil Caucasus subduction zones 2011 

The Armenian Ophiolite: Insights for Jurassic back-arc formation, Lower Cretaceous hot spot magmatism and Upper Cretaceous obduction over the South Armenian Block 2010 Geological Society, London, Special Publications

Blueschists of the Amassia-Stepanavan Suture Zone (Armenia):linking Tethys subduction history from E-Turkey to W-Iran 2009 International Journal of Earth Sciences

Obduction of old oceanic lithosphere due to reheating and plate reorganization: Insights from numerical modelling and the NE Anatolia - Lesser Caucasus case example 2016 Journal of Geodynamics

Lithological nature of the Subduction Channel: Insights from the Karabakh suture zone (Lesser Caucasus) and general comparisons 2015 Journal of Geodynamics

The Armenian and NW Anatolian ophiolites: new insights for the closure of the Tethys domain and obduction onto the South Armenian Block and Anatolian-Tauride Platform before collision through dynamic modeling 2013

New P-T-t data on the metamorphic sole of the Amasia ophiolites and implications for the geodynamical process, NW of the Sevan-Akera suture zone, Lesser Caucasus (Armenia) 2011

Insights on the lithological nature of subduction channels from observations of fossil subduction zones, Sevan-Akera suture zone, Lesser Caucasus (Armenia and Karabakh) 2011

Geology and Structure of the Amasia Ophiolites, NW of the Sevan-Akera Suture Zone, Lesser Caucasus (Armenia) 2012

New structural and petrological data on the Amasia ophiolites (NW Sevan-Akera suture zone, Lesser Caucasus): Insights for a larg-scale obduction in Armenia and NE Turkey. 2013 Tectonophysics

From seafloor spreading to obduction: Jurassic–Cretaceous evolution of the northern branch of the Neotethys in the Northeastern Anatolian and Lesser Caucasus regions 2015 Geological Society London Special Publications

From Subduction to Obduction: new insights on the obduction process through the study of the metamorphic sole of the Amasia ophiolites (Lesser Caucasus, Armenia) 2013

Large scale obduction of preserved oceanic crust: linking the Lesser Caucasus and NE Anatolian ophiolites and implications for the formation of the Lesser Caucasus-Pontides Arc 2013

Linking the NE Anatolian and Lesser Caucasus ophiolites: Evidence for large-scale obduction of oceanic crust and implications for the formation of the Lesser Caucasus-Pontides Arc 2013 Geodinamica Acta

Obduction triggered by regional heating during plate reorganization 2015 Terra Nova


Multi-stage metamorphism in the South Armenian Block during the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous: Tectonics over south-dipping subduction of Northern branch of Neotethys 2014 Journal of Asian Earth Sciences

The East Anatolia-Lesser Caucasus ophiolite: An exceptional case of large-scale obduction, synthesis of data and numerical modelling 2020 Geoscience Frontiers