Avtandil Okrostsvaridze

Avtandil Okrostsvaridze

Keywords : Geology geochemistry Petrology

Country : Georgia

Organization : Ilia State University

Department : Institute of Earth Sciences

Email : okrostsvari@gmail.com

ResearchGate profile : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Avtandil_Okrostsvaridze

Google scholar profile : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Skc9kLIAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra

Biography :


Avtandil Okrostsvaridze graduated from Tbilisi State University Geology department in 1978. In 1983-1985 he became a postgraduate student at the Cambrian Geology Institute (Petersburg) of the Academy of Sciences of Russia. Defended his PhD dissertation on “Petrology of Abkhazian Paleozoic Granitoids and Migmatites” in1987 and postdoctoral dissertation on Petrology of Hercynian Granitoid Series of the Greater Caucasus in 1995. In 1996-1999 worked on Dalhousie University (Canada) project Mantle-Crust Interactions and Granitoid Magmatizm.  In 1997 was awarded the status of the first discoverer of Hokrila Gold-Anthymonite ore manifestation by the commission of the first discoverers of the Geological Department of Georgia (P.K.02). He worked as scientific vice director of the Geological Institute of the Georgian Academy of Sciences in 2002-2006. For the monograph “ Hercynian Granitoid Magmatizm of the Greater Caucasus “ he was awarded A. Janelidze Scientific Prize in 2008. In partnership with other scientists, he located Hokila ore-bearing valley in 2009. In 2008-2010 he was a coordinator in NATO project: Volcanic Safety  and  the Protection  Measures on the  Georgian Segment  of the Georgian  Segment of the  Caspian Oil and Gaz  Pipeline”.  In 2010-2012 he was the  Scintific leader of the Georgian National Scientific Fund  project “Evaluation  of Gold  Potential    in the Kaxeti Segment of the Greater Caucasus“.   Fulfilling the project, he together with other project members, discovered Thorium significant ore occurrences on Kakheti  segment of the Greater Caucasus.    He has worked at Ilia State University since 2010. Now he participates in several international projects, among them in UNESCO IGCP #610 project: “Environmental Change  and  Human  Response  during Quaternaty”.  He organized its first plenary session at Ilia State University in 2013.  He has supervised three  PhD dissertations.  He has published more than 180 scientific papers.

Research interests


  • Petrology of orogenic magmatic systems;
  • Mantle-crust interaction, gtanitoid melt generation and continental crust evolution;
  • Ore  mineralization processis  related with orogenic  systems;
  • Geological enviroment  influence on human health;
  • Protection of Geological monuments and aspiring of Geoparks.



Thorium Resources and their Energy Potential in Georgian Republic, the Caucasus 2017 Energy Procedia

Pliocene-Quaternary Samtskhe-Javakheti Volcanic Highland, Lesser Caucasus – as a Result of Mantle Plumes Activity 2016

The First Data on Industrial Concentration of Thorium and Bismuth in Hydrothermally Altered Lower-Jurassic Clay-Shales of the Stori Canyon (Southern Slope of the Greater Caucasus, Kakheti) 2011 Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences

Phanerozoic continental crust evolution of the Inner Caucasian Microplate: The Dzirula massif 2013

Evolution of the Variscan orogenic plutonic magmatism: the Greater Caucasus 2011 Journal of Nepal Geological Society

New Data on the Geological Structure of the Vardzia Cave City, Georgia 2016 Bulletin Of The Georgian National Academy Of Sciences

Late Miocene Goderdzi Volcanic Formation, Lesser Caucasus, Georgia: Evidences of the Presence of a Caldera 2018

The Sakeni Ore Field (Greater Caucasus) – Geological Evidence and Prospects 2009 Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences

The Argonauts: A modern Investigation of the Mythical “Gold Sands” 2017

Geology and zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Mtkvari pyroclastic flow and evaluation of destructive processes affecting Vardzia rock-cut city, Georgia 2019 Quaternary International

Geometry and Zircons U-Pb Geochronology of the Mtkvari Ignimbrites Flow, Samtske-Javakheti Volcanic Highland, Lesser Caucasus 2017 Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences

Ore-Forming Processes and Ore Occurrences of the Eastern Greater Caucasus Georgian Segment 2015 Economic Geology

Magmarizm and Ore Occurrences of the Kakheti and Tusheti Regions, Greater Caucasus, Georgia Republic 2018 Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering

Geological framework and mineral occurrences in the Georgia segment Eastern Greater Caucasus 2015

Ore occurences in the Georgian segment of the eastern greater caucasus: New research results 2015 Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences

Field Investigation of the Mythical "Gold Sands" of the Ancient Colchis Kingdom and Modern Discussion on the Argonauts' Expedition 2014 Episodes

Zircons U-Pb Geochronology of the Ore-Bearing Plutons of Adjara-Trialeti Folded Zone, Lesser Caucasus and Analysis of the Magmatic Processes 2018 Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences

U-Pb Dating of zonal zircons from the crystalline rocks of the Gondarai Complex of the Greater Caucasian Main Range Zone (Greater Caucasian Terrane) 2018

Geotourism Potential of Georgia, the Caucasus 2021

U-PB LA-ICP-MS Dating of Zoned Zircons from the Greater Caucasus Pre-alpine Crystalline Basement: Evidence for Cadomian to Late Variscan Evolution 2020 Geologica Carpathica

The Discovery of U Mineralization in the Late Variscan Plagiogranite Vein of the Shkhara Crystalline Massif (Greater Caucasus, Georgia) 2022 Geologica Balcanica

The First Data on U-Th Mineralization in the Shkhara Paleozoic Crystalline Massif, the Greater Caucasus 2022 Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences

Paleozoic Xenoliths in Eocene Plutons: the Evidence for the Destruction of Pre-Jurassic Crystalline Basement Beneath Adjara-Trialeti Belt, Lesser Caucasus 2021 Geologica Carpathica

U-Pb Zircon Chronological Constraints for Three Stages of Synorogenic Plutonic Magmatism of the Greater Caucasus Svaneti Segment, Georgia 2022 Episodes Journal of International Geoscience

A Comparative Analysis of the Late Variscan Uranium Mineralization of the Shkara Massif (Greater Caucasus, Georgia) and of the Late Variscan Uranium Deposits of the Central and Western Europe 2023

Thermobaric Regime of the Formation of the Dzirula Massif Rkvia Variscan Granitoid Intrusive 2011 Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences

New Data About the Hokrila-Achapara Gold Ore-Mineralization (Svaneti-Georgia) 2005 Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences

Thorium - Future Energy of Modern Civilization Andits Ore Occurrences in Georgia 2014 Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences

Mythical “Gold Sands” of Svaneti (Greater Caucasus, Georgia): Geological Reality and Gold Mining Artefacts 2010 Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences

U-Pb Zircon Chronological Constraints for Three Stages of Syn-Orogenic Plutonic Magmatism of the Greater Caucasus Svaneti Segment, Georgia 2023 Episodes