Vassily Lavrushin

Vassily Lavrushin

Keywords : Mud volcanoes Isotopic-geochemical properties Generation environments Waters

Country : Russia

Organization : Russian Academy of Sciences

Department : Geological Institute

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Waters from mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan: Isotopic-geochemical properties and generation environments 2015 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Isotopic-geochemical peculiarities of gases in mud volcanoes of eastern Georgia 2009 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Mantle helium traces in the Elbrus–Kazbek sector of the Greater Caucasus and adjacent areas 2009 Chemical Geology

The 3 He/ 4 He halo of the Kazbek volcanic center, northern Caucasus 2007 Doklady Earth Sciences

Isotopic evidence (He, B, C) for deep fluid and mud mobilization from mud volcanoes in the Caucasus continental collision zone 2003 International Journal of Earth Sciences

Gases from mud volcanoes of western and central Caucasus 2010 Geofluids

Conditions of the Formation of Thermomineral Waters in the Talysh Fold Zone of the Lesser Caucasus (Azerbaijan) Based on Isotope-Geochemical Data 2018 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Geochemical and Isotope Characteristics of Carbonates from Ejecta of Mud Volcanoes of the Kura Basin, Azerbaijan 2019 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Travertines of the northern Caucasus 2006 Lithology and Mineral Resources

Geochemistry of the Rare Earth Elements in the Sparkling Groundwaters of the Caucasus Ridge, Russia 2019 E3S Web of Conferences

Boron in An Onshore Mud Volcanic Environment: Case Study from the Kerch Peninsula, the Caucasus Continental Collision Zone 2019 Chemical Geology

New Evidences of Holocene Tectonic and Volcanic Activity of the Western Part of Lake Sevan (Armenia) 2020 Geological Quarterly

Rare Earth Elements in Mud Volcanic Water of the North-Western Caucasus 2023 Journal of Physics Conference Series

Toxic Element Contamination Sources in the Surface and Groundwater of the Elbrus Region: Geochemistry and Health Risks 2024 Water

СO2-Rich Thermal Waters of the Neutrino Research Tunnel (Baksan Neutrino Observatory, North Caucasus) 2024 Doklady Earth Sciences