Name, Last Name:
Sergo Kekelia
Date of Birth:
Chief Scientist – LEPL Alexandre Janelidze Institute of Geology, Department of Department of Mineral Resources, Geochemistry and Isotope Geochronology
Scientific/Academic Degree:
Doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences
Contact Information:
3a micro-district, Varketili-3, build. 338, fl.98. Tbilisi 0163, Georgia
Phone: 2793398, mobile phone: 593660757
Engineer-geologist, Georgian Polytechnic University, 1954-1959
Professional Qualification:
In 1966 was awarded degree of candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences. Ph.D. thesis: “Petrological peculiarities, structure and ore-content of North Abkhazia”.
In 1987 was awarded degree of Doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences. Doctoral thesis: “Geological regularities of distribution of the Transcaucasus Hydrothermal deposits main industrial-genetic types”.
Scientific Work Experience:
1960-1966 Scientist, Caucasian Institute of Mineral Resources;
1967-1975 Senior Scientist, CIMR;
1975-1978 Chief of Geological-methodical Expedition;
1982-1989 Principal geologist of Geological-methodical Expedition and head of the department of Ore Deposits at the CIMR;
1990-2007 Head of the sector of Metallogeny;
2000-2009 Senior Scientist, LEPL Alexandre Janelidze Institute of Geology, Department of Ore Deposits;
2009-present Chief Scientist, LEPL Alexandre Janelidze Institute of Geology, Department of Mineral Resources, Geochemistry and Isotope Geochronology
Sphere of Research:
Geology of metallic deposits and conditions (genesis) of their formation.
Total Number of Publications - 83
List of Publications for Last 10 Years:
Geodynamic Fundamentals of Metallogenic Analysis of Mountain-folded Areas (on the example of the Caucasian region).// Proceedings of Geol. Inst. of the Georgian Acad. of Sci., new series, issue 115, (2000). Pp. 372-381 (Co-authors: Kekelia M., Kofman R.) (in Russian)
Comparision of Mineral Deposits between Georgian and Turkish Sectors of the Tethyan Metallogenic Belt. In. Mineral Deposits at the Beginning of the 21st Century, Piestrzynski at al (eds), Zeitlinger publishers Lisse. ISBN 90 2651 846 3, 2001, pp. 309-312.(Co-authors: Ch. Moon, V. Gugushvili etc.)
Geology and Formation Conditions of Alpine Deposits of Non-ferrous Metals of Pontides and the Caucasus.// Proceedings of Geol. Inst. of the Georgian Acad. of Sci., new series, issue 117, 2002. 430-442 (Co-author Kekelia M.) (in Russian)
Volcanogenic Non-Ferrous Deposits of the Bolnisi Mining District, Georgia and Some Problems of their Genesis. Website:
Metallogeny of active paleomargins of continents(on the example of Alpine metallic deposits of the Caucasus and Pontides). Proceedings of A.Janelidze Geological Institute, new series. Volume 119, Tbilisi, 2004, .706-726. (Co-authors: Kekelia M., Otkhmezuri Z., Moon Ch.)
Ore-forming systems in volcanogenic-sedimentary sequences by the example of Base metal deposits of the Caucasus and East Pontic Metallotect. (Bull. MTA, 129, 2004, p.1-16 (Co-authors: M. Kekelia, Z.Otkhmezuri, Ch.Moon, N.Ozgur)
Contribution of the Caucasian Institute of Mineral Resources to the Development of Mining-industrial Complex. //”Mining Journal”, №1, 2005. Insert 1 – Caucasian Institute of Mineral Resources is 75 years old. (Co-authors: D.V.Arevadze, T.D.Sparsiashvili)
Gold Potential of the Northern Part of the Southern Slope of the Greater Caucasus (within the limits of Georgia).//“Mining Journal”, №6, 2005, pp. 9-11 (Co-author: Kekelia M., Asatiani G., Gigiadze G., Shavishvili I.)
Assessment of Geoecological State of Natural Environment of Georgia.// “Mining Journal”, №6, 2005, pp. 79-80 (Co-authors: M.S.Kvinikadze, I.O.Sirbiladze, V.A.Kirakosian, G.P.Tumanishvili)
Gold-bearing deposits in volcano-plutonic complexes of the central part of the Alpine-Himalayan fold belt (South Caucasian states and Eastern Turkey).// Proceedings of the 18th Congress of Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, Belgrade, 2006, p.258-261. (Co-authors: J. Doebrich, V. Baba-Zade, R. Melkonian, M. Kekelia, S. Kuloshvili, S. Bayraktutan, N. Gagnidze, N. Sadradze and A. Razmadze)
Gold deposits of the Greater Caucasus, Georgia Republic: their genesis and prospecting criteria (Co-authors: M.Kekelia, S.Kuloshvili, A.Razmadze, N.Gagnidze, N.Sadradze, V. Yaroshevich, G. Asatiani, J.L. Doebrich, R. J. Goldfarb, E. E. Marsh). 2008.// Ore Geology Reviews, USA,Vol. 34, issue 3, pp.359-386
Geological conditions of the formation of non-ferrous metal deposits in the Bolnisi districts (Georgia). 2008. Proceedings of Alexandre Janelidze Institute of Geology, issue 124, 2008, pp. 316-328 (Co-authors: M.Kekelia, S.Kuloshvili, G.Asatiani, A.Razmadze, N.Sadradze, N.Gagnidze)
Geological-geophysical and geochemical models of ore magmatic systems of porphyry copper deposits of the Kedabek mining district. Proceedings of Alexandre Janelidze Institute of Geology. Issue 124, 2008, pp.307-315 (Co-authors: J.L.Doebrich, V.M.Babazade, S.A.Kekelia, V.G.Ramazanov, Z.Y.Mame¬dov, A.M.Ismailova, Sh.F.Abdulaeva, S.I.Kuloshvili, N.E.Gagnidze, N.G.Sadradze)
List of the Best Publications (at the author’s discretion):
Metamorphic complexes of the Caucasus / Metamorphic map. Eur.: 1:2500000 . Explanatory text. Leiden, 1979, p.145-147. (Сo-authors: B.B. Reverdatto, A.I. Macharadze).
The geological and physicochemical conditions of formation of massive sulfide-barite base metal deposits. Inter. G. Rev, v.26, №12, 1984. (Сo-authors: A.G. Tvalchrelidze, V.Z. Yaroshevich).
Zonality of Molybdenum-Copper-porphyry Deposits Connected with Diorite-tonalite-plagiogranitic complexes (on the example of the Tekhut Deposit, Armenian SSR).//Proceedings of All-Union Mineralogical Society, part CXIV, issue. 2, 1985, pp. 167-179 (Co-authors: Ratman I., Narozauli I.) (in Russian)
State Geological Map of the USSR, in a 1:1000000 scale (new series), sheet К-(37), (38). - Tbilisi. Map of Mineral Resources (G. A. Tvalchrelidze - editor-in-chief). Leningrad, 1987, VSEGEI
Geological-genetical Patterns of Volcanogenic Deposits of Non-ferrous Metals of the Mediterranean Metallogenic Belt. // Geology and Geophysics, 1991, №8, pp.71-79 (Co-authors Yaroshevich V., Ratman I.) (in Russian)
Geodynamic Regimes and Ore-formation. // "Native Geology", №2, 1993, pp. 12-20 (Co-author Ambokadze A.) (in Russian)
Volcanogenic Deposits of Non-ferrous Metals and Methods of their Prediction.//Tbilisi, “Metsniereba”, 1993, 96p (Co-authors: Ambokadze A, Ratman I.)
Ore-forming systems in volcanogenic-sedimentary sequences by the example of Base metal deposits of the Caucasus and East Pontic Metallotect (Bull. MTA, 129, 2004, pp.1-16 (Co-authors: M. Kekelia, Z.Otkhmezuri, Ch.Moon, N.Ozgur)
Gold Potential of the Northern Part of the Southern Slope of the Greater Caucasus (within the limits of Georgia).//“Mining Journal”, №6, 2005, pp. 9-11 (Co-authors: Kekelia M., Asatiani G., Gigiadze G., Shavishvili I.)
Gold deposits of the Greater Caucasus, Georgia Republic: their genesis and prospecting criteria. 2008. (Co-authors: M.Kekelia, S.Kuloshvili, A.Razmadze, N.Gagnidze, N.Sadradze, V. Yaroshevich, G. Asatiani, J.L. Doebrich, R. J. Goldfarb, E. E. Marsh.. Ore Geology Reviews, USA,Vol. 34, issue 3, p.359-386
Participation in International Scientific Forums (for last 10 years):
1) 4th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranian Geology, (Isparta, Turkey, 2001)
2) 5th International Symposium of Eastern Mediterranian Geology (Belgrad, Serbia, 2006)
Participation in Research Grant Projects (for last 10 years):
1999 – 2001 – “Elaboration and quantification of metallogenic evolution of Alpine fold system: The Pontides-Lesser Caucasus sector of the Tethyan Eurasian Metallogenic belt” (INTAS/GEORGIA-97-1416);
2003-2004 - “Geology and gold favorability of carbonaceous metasedimentary rock sequences of the Southern Slope Zone, Greater Caucasus, Republic of Georgia (CRDF/GRDF, BGPI, Award Number – GG2-3300-TB-02);
2005 - “Metallogeny and resource evaluation of volcano-plutonic complexes in the Pontiide-Lesser Caucasus island arc” (2005-2006, CRDF/GRDF, BGPII, Award Number – GEG2-3324-TB-02).
2005 -2007 –“Development of genetic and exploration models to aid in exploration, development, and environmental mitigation of gold-bearing deposits of the Lesser Caucasus” (CRDF, South Caucasus Cooperative Research Program, Award Number – SCI-010000-SC-05).