Olga Solomina

Olga Solomina

Keywords : Earth and Planetary Sciences Energy Agricultural and Biological Sciences Environmental Science Social Sciences Arts and Humanities Medicine

Country : Russia

Organization : Russian Academy of Sciences

Department : Institute of Geography

Email : olgasolomina@yandex.ru

ResearchGate profile : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Olga_Solomina

Google scholar profile : https://scholar.google.de/citations?user=VQKsocYAAAAJ&hl=de&oi=sra

Biography :


2009 + Deputy Director of the Institute of GeographyRussian Academy of Sciences

2007 +   Adjunct Senior Research Scientist in the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

1977 + Research Scientist in Glaciological Department of the Institute of GeographyRussian Academy of Sciences


Institute of GeographyRussian Academy of Sciences

Staromonetny-29, MoscowRussia, 119017

Tel: +7-495-125-90-11

Fax: +7-495-959-00-33

e-mail: olgasolomina@yandex.ru


Diploma (like Master), History, Archeology, Ethnography, Moscow State University, 1981.

Ph.D., Hydrology, Institute of GeographyRussian Academy of Sciences, 1987. Dissertation title: "The Holocene moraines studies by bioindication methods".

Doctor of Sciences (like Habilitation), Hydrology, Institute of GeographyRussian Academy of Sciences, 1998. Dissertation title: "Mountain glaciation of Northern Eurasia in the Holocene".


Russian, English, French (active), German, Spanish (reading)


Glacier Variations in the Northern Caucasus Compared to Climatic Reconstructions Over the Past Millennium 2016 Global and Planetary Change

Dynamics of Nival and Glacial Slope Processes in the Baksan and Teberda River Basins from Radiocarbon Dating of Buried Soils 2013 Lëd i Sneg

Mid to Late Holocene Glacier Variations in Central Caucasus, Russia 2012 Quaternary International

Coring of Karakel’ Lake Sediments (Teberda River Valley) and Prospects for Reconstruction of Glaciation and Holocene Climate History in the Caucasus 2013 Lëd i Sneg

Teberda Valley Runoff Variability (AD 1797-2003) Based on Tree-Ring Reconstruction (Northern Caucasus, Russia) 2009 Geophysical Research Abstracts

Teberda Valley Runoff Variability (AD 1850–2005) Based on Tree-Ring Reconstruction (Northern Caucasus, Russia) 2010 IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

Change of Chalaati Glacier (Georgian Caucasus) Since the Little Ice Age Based on Dendrochronological and Beryllium-10 Data 2020 Journal Ice and Snow

Late-Holocene Advances of the Greater Azau Glacier (Elbrus Area, Northern Caucasus) Revealed By 14C Dating of Paleosols 2022 The Holocene

Variations of Heat Availability in the Western Caucasus in the Past 1500 Years Inferred from a High-Resolution Record of Bromine in the Sediment of Lake Karakel 2023 Quaternary International

Influence of Meteorological Conditions on the Geochemistry of Modern Bottom Sediments Exemplified by Deposits of Donguz–Orun Lake, Caucasus 2015 Doklady Earth Sciences

Constructing Lithological/Geochemical Time Series in the Cross Sections of Bottom Sediments of Lake Karakel Using Data from Micro-XRF Scanning with a Beam of Synchrotron Radiation on the VEPP-3 Storage Ring 2019 Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences Physics

Glacial Geomorphology of the Notsarula and Chanchakhi River Valleys, Georgian Caucasus 2023 Journal of Maps