Gerard Toal

Gerard Toal

Keywords : Earth and Planetary Sciences Environmental Science Economics Social Sciences Econometrics and Finance Arts and Humanities

Country : United States

Organization : Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Department :

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Biography :

Gerard Toal (Gearóid Ó Tuathail) has been a founding figure in establishing Critical Geopolitics as a domain of research within Political Geography, and features in the book Key Thinkers on Space and Place (Sage, second edition 2010). His latest book is Bosnia Remade: Ethnic Cleansing and Its Reversal (Oxford, 2011) which he co-authored with Dr Carl Dahlman. The work provides a in-depth analysis of the localized geopolitics of displacement and returns in three Bosnian communities from 1992 to today. He has also conducted comparative work on Bosnia and the Caucasus with Dr John O'Loughlin (also funded, like the Bosnian study, by the National Science Foundation). His current NSF grant is on the impact of Kosovo's independence on the operation of four Eurasian De Facto States (Transnistria, South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Nagorny Karabakh). For the initial abstract click here. Professor Toal is an associate editor of Geopoliticsand Eurasian Geography and Economics, as well as an editorial board member of Political Geography andNationalities Papers. He has consulted and written for the World Bank and Conciliation Resources. For further information on his activities and publications see his blog


After ethnic violence in the Caucasus: Attitudes of local Abkhazians and displaced Georgians in 2010 2011 Eurasian Geography and Economics

Accounting for Separatist Sentiment in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the North Caucasus of Russia: A Comparative Analysis of Survey Responses 2009 Ethnic and Racial Studies

An Empire's Fraying Edge? The North Caucasus Instability in Contemporary Russian Geopolitical Culture 2007  Eurasian Geography and Economics

Land for Peace in Nagorny Karabakh? Political Geographies and Public Attitudes Inside a Contested De Facto State 2013 Territory, Politics, Governance

Who Identifies with the “Russian World”?Geopolitical Attitudes in SoutheasternUkraine, Crimea, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria 2016 Eurasian Geography and Economics

Inside the post-Soviet de facto states: A comparison of attitudes in Abkhazia, Nagorny Karabakh, South Ossetia, and Transnistria 2015 Eurasian Geography and Economics

Inside Abkhazia: Survey of Attitudes in a De Facto State 2011 Post-Soviet Affairs

Post Soviet Affairs 2013 - Inside South Ossetia 2013 Post-Soviet Affairs

Inside South Ossetia: A survey of attitudes in a de facto state 2013 Post-Soviet Affairs

The guns of August 2008. Russia's war in Georgia 2012 Nationalities Papers

Russia's Kosovo: A Critical Geopolitics of the August 2008 War over South Ossetia 2008 Eurasian Geography and Economics

‘Why Did MH17 Crash?’: Blame Attribution, Television News and Public Opinion in Southeastern Ukraine, Crimea and the De Facto States of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria 2017 Geopolitics