Armen Saghatelyan
Keywords :
Sustainable development
Mining production
Ecological and geochemical analysis
Country : Armenia
Organization :
National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia
Department :
Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies
Email :
Google scholar profile :
Ecological and geochemical analysis of risks of the impact of mining production upon sustainable development of Armenia 2010 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Geograficheskaya
Control system for ecological modernization of enterprises (on the example of the Republic of Armenia) 2016 MODELING OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SYSTEMS
Heavy metals pollution levels and children health risk assessment of Yerevan kindergartens soils 2017 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Assessment of pollution levels and human health risk of heavy metals in dust deposited on Yerevan’s tree leaves (Armenia) 2017 Acta Geochimica
Human health risk assessment and riskiest heavy metal origin identification in urban soils of Yerevan, Armenia 2017 Chemosphere
Geospatial mapping, source identification and human health risk assessment of heavy metals in soils of Gyumri (Armenia) 2017
The application of Local Moran's I to identify spatial clusters and hot spots of Pb, Mo and Ti in urban soils of Yerevan 2019 Applied Geochemistry
Combination of compositional data analysis and machine learning approaches to identify sources and geochemical associations of potentially toxic elements in soil and assess the associated human health risk in a mining city 2020 Environmental Pollution
Continuous impact of mining activities on soil heavy metals levels and human health 2018 Science of The Total Environment
Mercury soil contents and associated ecological and health risks in kindergartens and functional areas of the city of Vanadzor (Armenia) 2019 Geography, Environment, Sustainability
Dust and Stream of Heavy Metals in the Atmosphere of the City of Yerevan 2013 National Academy of Sciences of RA Electronic Journal of NATURAL SCIENCES
Relationships between NDVI and climatic factors in mountain ecosystems: A case study of Armenia 2019 Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment
Agent-based modelling of interactions between air pollutants and greenery using a case study of Yerevan, Armenia 2019 Environmental Modelling & Software
The Utility of GIS for Assessing the Ecological State and Managing Armenian’s Farmlands 2014 Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering
Leading the way toward an environmental National Spatial Data Infrastructure in Armenia 2014 South‐Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics
Assessment of space and time changes of NDVI (biomass) in Armenia’s mountain ecosystems using remote sensing data 2016
The assessment of water quality of some transboundary rivers of the Kura-Araks basin 2008
Mercury pollution issues in mining districts (Armenia) 2015
Assessment of Pollution Levels and Human Health Risk of Heavy Metals in Snow Dust (Case Study, Yerevan) 2016
Geochemistry of atmospheric dust on the territory of the city of Yerevan 2012 Chemistry Journal of Moldova
The integrated model of eco-economic system on the example of the Republic of Armenia (in Russian) 2014
Paving the Way towards an Armenian Data Cube 2019 Data
Identification of spatial patterns, geochemical associations and assessment of origin-specific health risk of potentially toxic elements in soils of Armavir region, Armenia 2020 Chemosphere
Mercury contents and potential risk levels in soils and outdoor dust from kindergartens of the city of Vanadzor (Armenia) 2020 Human and Ecological Risk Assessment