Ellery Frahm

Ellery Frahm

Keywords : Anthropology Archaeology Excavation Prehistoric Archaeology Archaeological Theory Palaeoecology Landscape Archaeology Human Evolution Bioarchaeology

Country : United States

Organization : Yale University

Department :

Email : ellery.frahm@yale.edu

ResearchGate profile : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ellery_Frahm

Google scholar profile : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=th8r-vsAAAAJ&hl=en

Academia edu : https://yale.academia.edu/ElleryFrahm

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/elleryfrahm

Biography :

Dr. Frahm is an archaeological scientist who teaches and conducts research both in the field and in the laboratory. He has conducted and published studies on four continents, spanning nearly half a million years of human history. He studied Physics and Anthropology at Grinnell College in Iowa. His Master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Archaeological Studies at the University of Minnesota explored the Old Copper complex of the American Midwest, and his doctorate in Anthropology from the same institution examined trade in the Bronze Age Middle East. As a Marie Curie fellow at the University of Sheffield in England, he developed scientific approaches to the study of Eastern Mediterranean material culture.  Since 2010, his research has focused on the Caucasus, specifically Armenia and Georgia, although his other recent projects span from Oregon to Kenya.  He has taught a range of interdisciplinary courses, from Anthropology of the Modern Middle East and North Africa to Electron Microprobe Theory & Practice. 


Ptghni: A new obsidian source in the Hrazdan River basin, Armenia 2017 Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

Seen through a glass darkly: Reexamining connections between Mesopotamia and the Caucasus 2019 Between Syria and the highlands. Studies in honor of Giorgio Buccellati & Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati (SANEM, 3)

Caucasus Connections? New Data and Interpretations for Armenian Obsidian in Northern Mesopotamia 2016 Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

Upper Palaeolithic Settlement and Mobility in the Armenian Highlands: Agent-Based Modeling, Obsidian Sourcing, and Lithic Analysis at Aghitu-3 Cave 2019 Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology

Lithic raw material units based on magnetic properties: A blind test with Armenian obsidian and application to the Middle Palaeolithic site of Lusakert Cave 1 2016 Journal of Archaeological Science

Middle Palaeolithic toolstone procurement behaviors at Lusakert Cave 1, Hrazdan valley, Armenia 2016 Journal of Human Evolution

Characterizing obsidian sources with portable XRF: accuracy, reproducibility, and field relationships in a case study from Armenia 2014 Journal of Archaeological Science

Sourcing Geochemically Identical Obsidian: Multiscalar Magnetic Variations in the Gutansar Volcanic Complex and Implications for Palaeolithic Research in Armenia 2014 Journal of Archaeological Science

Ten Seconds in the Field: Rapid Armenian Obsidian Sourcing with Portable XRF to Inform Excavations and Surveys 2014 Journal of Archaeological Science

Comparing Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Lithic Procurement Behaviors Within the Hrazdan Basin of Central Armenia 2020 Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

Evidence for Middle Palaeolithic Occupation and Landscape Change in Central Armenia At the Open-Air Site of Alapars-1 2020 Quaternary Research

Geochemical Changes in Obsidian Outcrops With Elevation At Hatis Volcano (Armenia) and Corresponding Lower Palaeolithic Artifacts from Nor Geghi 1 2021 Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

The Obsidian Sources of Eastern Turkey and the Caucasus: Geochemistry, Geology, and Geochronology 2023 Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

Obsidian Exchange Networks and Highland-Lowland Interaction in the Lesser Caucasus Borderlands 2023 Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

Yeghegis-1 Rockshelter Site: New Investigations Into the Late Chalcolithic of Armenia 2024 Antiquity

Palaeoenvironmental and Chronological Context of Hominin Occupations of the Armenian Highlands During Mis 3: Evidence from Ararat-1 Cave 2024 Quaternary Science Advances

Increasing Obsidian Diversity During the Chalcolithic Period At Yeghegis-1 Rockshelter (Armenia) Reveals Shifts in Land Use and Social Networks 2024 Scientific Reports