Ruben Badalyan
Keywords :
Prehistoric Archaeology
Bronze Age
Country : Armenia
Organization :
National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia
Department :
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography
Email :
ResearchGate profile :
Academia edu :
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Biography :
New data on the periodization and chronology of the Kura-Araxes culture in Armenia 2014 Paléorient
The settlement of Aknashen-Khatunarkh, a Neolithic site in the Ararat plain (Armenia): Excavation results 2004-2009 2010
Archaeological Investigations at Horom in the Shirak Plain of Northwestern Armenia, 1990 1992 Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies
Preliminary Report on the 1992 Excavations at Horom, Armenia 1993 Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies
Preliminary Report on the 1993 Excavations at Horom, Armenia 1994 Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies
A Comprehensive Study on Chronology of Transcaucasian Obsidian Bearing Volcanics Using Fission-Track Dating Methods 2001
An international research project on Armenian archaeological sites: fission-track dating of obsidians 2001 Radiation Measurements
Early Complex Societies in Southern Caucasia: A Preliminary Report on the 2002 Investigations by Project ArAGATS on the Tsakahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia 2004 American Journal of Archaeology
Preliminary report on the 1998 archaeological investigations of Project ArAGATS in the Tsakahovit Plain, Armenia 2000
New Data on the Late Prehistory of the Southern Caucasus 2007 Les Cultures Du Caucase
A Preliminary Report on the 2008, 2010, and 2011 Investigations of Project Aragats on the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia 2014 Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan
A New Chronological Model for the Bronze and Iron Age South Caucasus: Radiocarbon Results from Project ArAGATS, Armenia 2018 Antiquity
Magnetic Survey in the Investigation of Sociopolitical Change At a Late Bronze Age Fortress Settlement in Northwestern Armenia 2009 Archaeological Prospection
Village, Fortress, and Town in Bronze and Iron Age Southern Caucasia: a Preliminary Report on the 2003-2006 Investigations of Project ArAGATS on the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia 2008 Archaeological communications from Iran and Turan
Diverse Dietary Practices Across the Early Bronze Age 'Kura-Araxes Culture' in the South Caucasus 2022 PLoS One