Gurban Yetirmishli

Gurban Yetirmishli

Keywords : tectonics Seismics Earthquake

Country : Azerbaijan

Organization : Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Department : Republican Seismic Survey Center

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Seismotectonics oil and gas areas in lower Kura depression of Azerbaijan 2016 Seismoprognosis observations in the territory of Azerbaijan

The strong earthquakes occured in Azerbaijan region in 2014 2016 Seismoprognosis observations in the territory of Azerbaijan

Manifestation Features of Landslide Process Around the Mingachevir Reservoir (2014) 2018 Seismoprognosis observations in the territory of Azerbaijan

One-dimensional velocity model of the Middle Kura Depresion from local earthquakes data of Azerbaijan 2011 Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth

Features of seismcity of Azerbaijan part of the Greater Caucasus 2013 Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society

Focal parameters of the Zagatala earthquake on may 2012 2014 Seismoprognosis observations in the territory of Azerbaijan

Identification of the stress state and seismic hazard assessment for the territory of Azerbaijan and the border regions of the Caucasus and the Caspian sea 2014 Seismoprognosis observations in the territory of Azerbaijan

OBSERVATION OF THE TIDAL VARIATIONS IN GRAVITY ON THE TERRITORY OF AZERBAIJAN 2015 Seismoprognosis observations in the territory of Azerbaijan

STRONG EARTHQUAKES ON THE TERRITORY OF AZERBAIJAN FOR THE PERIOD OF 2012-2014 2015 Seismoprognosis observations in the territory of Azerbaijan

Strong Earthquakes on the territory of Azerbaijan in 2015 2015 Seismoprognosis observations in the territory of Azerbaijan

Features of Bayil landslide of Baku city in 2011 2015 Seismoprognosis observations in the territory of Azerbaijan

Focal Mechanisms of Earthquakes and Stress Field of the Earth Crust in Azerbaijan 2018 Moment Tensor Solutions

Results of 2010-2016 Azerbaijan seismicity data analysis using seismological and topological statistical methods 2018 The Reports of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan

Recent Geodynamics, Active Faults and Earthquake Focal Mechanisms of the Zone of Pseudosubduction Interaction Between the Northern and Southern Caucasus Microplates in the Southern Slope of the Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan) 2018 Geodynamics & Tectonophysics

Stress Field Pattern in the Northeastern Part of Azerbaijan 2019 Pure and Applied Geophysics (2019)

Joint Use of Seismological and Topological Statistical Methods for the Analysis of 2010–2016 Azerbaijan Seismicity 2018 Pure and Applied Geophysics

Analysis of the relationship between water level temporal changes and seismicity in the Mingechevir reservoir (Azerbaijan) 2020 Journal of Seismology